[agents] 2 Faculty positions Explainable Artificial Intelligence at TU Delft

Catholijn Jonker - EWI C.M.Jonker at tudelft.nl
Mon Dec 3 04:17:44 EST 2018

We are looking for two faculty members to strengthen our research in Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the field of Human-Agent collaboration at TU Delft.
Relevant topics of research include, but are not limited to, social robotics, conversational agents, affective computing, normative, reflective and strategic reasoning by applying Knowledge Representation techniques and/or Machine Learning. Candidates working on related challenges are also welcome to apply.
The positions are at Assistant or Associate Professor level.
For more information see

or contact Catholijn Jonker - EWI (C.M.Jonker at tudelft.nl<mailto:C.M.Jonker at tudelft.nl>) or Willem-Paul Brinkman (w.p.brinkman at tudelft.nl)

Prof. Dr. C.M. Jonker
Interactive Intelligence Group, Fac. EEMCS, TU Delft
VanMourikBroekmanweg 6, Delft
Building number: 28 Office: West6.600
Office phone: +31.15.2781315
Mobile phone: +31.6.48875207
home: http://ii.tudelft.nl/~catholijn

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