[agents] EC'19 Call For Papers

Edith Elkind eelkind at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 04:06:06 EST 2018

EC 2019 Call for Papers:

The ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce (SIGecom) solicits
submissions for presentation at the 20th ACM Conference on Economics and
Computation (EC’19), the premier venue for research at the interface of
economics and computation.  Submissions are due on February 14, 2019.  The
conference will be held from June 24 through June 28, 2019, in Phoenix,
Arizona, as part of the ACM Federated Computing Research Conference
(FCRC).Full details are available at the conference website at:
EC’19 has four technical tracks, detailed below.  Each paper submission
must designate one track, and will be reviewed by program committee members
assigned to that track.

- AI. Areas of interest include: social choice; fair division; prediction
markets; preference elicitation; equilibrium computation and computational
game theory; automated agents; theory of machine learning; behavioral game
theory and bounded rationality; privacy, fairness, and ethics; data markets.

- Applied modeling. Papers submitted to this track should emphasize
mathematical modeling of real-world systems; areas of interest include:
ridesharing; kidney exchanges; school choice; labor markets; spectrum
auctions; crowdsourcing; online platforms; the sharing economy; online
advertising; economics of the cloud; cryptocurrency; peer grading.

- Empirics. Papers submitted to the empirics track should primarily contain
results derived by empirical methods; areas of interest include:
computational social science; causal inference; experiments; structural
estimation; data mining; applied machine learning; empirical analysis of
real-world systems (e.g., online and offline platforms and markets);
empirical behavioral economics; social networks (empirical analysis).

- Theory. Papers submitted to the theory track should provide a strong
methodological contribution; areas of interest include: market design;
auctions; pricing; resource allocation; matching; price of anarchy; social
learning; social networks (theory); learning in games; fair division;
complexity of equilibria.  Select accepted papers in this track will appear
in joint sessions of EC’19 and the 51st Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory
of Computing (STOC’19).

In addition, EC’19 is piloting a new program to offer authors of accepted
papers the option to have their reviews and paper forwarded to a journal.
Our partner journals are:

- Games and Economic Behavior
- Operations Research, Revenue Management and Market Analytics area
- Quantitative Marketing and Economics
- ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation

Full details on the process for forwarding to journal are available at the
conference website above.


Nicole Immorlica and Ramesh Johari
Program co-chairs, ACM EC 2019
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