[agents] First CFP EUMAS-2018, Bergen Norway 6-7 December
Marija Slavkovik
marija.slavkovik at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 12:59:37 EDT 2018
EUMAS 2018
December 6-7, Bergen, Norway
In the last two decades, we have seen a significant increase of interest in
agent-based computing. This field is now set to become one of the key
intelligent systems technologies in the 21st century. The aim of the EUMAS
series is to provide a forum for academics and practitioners in Europe at
which current research and application issues are presented and discussed.
EUMAS 2018, the 16th instalment of the conference series, follows the
tradition of previous editions (Oxford 2003, Barcelona 2004, Brussels 2005,
Lisbon 2006, Hammamet 2007, Bath 2008, Agia Napa 2009, Paris 2010,
Maastricht 2011, Dublin 2012, Toulouse 2013, Prague 2014, Athens 2015,
Valencia 2016, Evry 2017), and aims to encourage and support activity in
the research and development of multi-agent systems, in academic and
industrial efforts.
The conference is primarily intended as a European forum for anybody
interested in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multi-agent
system to meet, present challenges, preliminary and mature research results
in an open and informal environment. To attract students as well as
experienced researchers, preliminary as well as mature work, EUMAS 2017
offers three submission types and formal proceedings. Also,
post-publication in form of a special issues of a high-quality journal in
the area are planned.
EUMAS 2018 is a designated event of the European Association of Multi-Agent
Systems (EURAMAS):_http://www.euramas.org <http://www.euramas.org/>_
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Action and Planning
- Adaptation and Learning
- Agent Architectures
- Agent Programming Languages
- Agent Development Methodologies and Tools
- Agent-Based Simulation
- Agent Organisations and Institutions
- Agent-oriented Software Engineering
- Agents and Complex Systems
- Applications of Multi-agent Systems
- Argumentation
- Automated negotiation
- Biologically inspired approaches
- Cognitive Models
- Collective and Swarm Intelligence
- Collective Intentionality
- Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination
- Economic Models
- Electronic Commerce
- Ethical behaviour of multi-agent systems
- Formal Modelling
- Game-Theoretic Methods
- Logics for Multi-Agent Systems
- Logics for Strategic Reasoning
- Negotiation
- Self-organisation
- Semantic Web Agents
- Socio-technical Systems
- Theories of Agency
- Trust and Reputation
- Verification
- Virtual Agents
- Voting and Judgment Aggregation Models for multi-agent systems
EUMAS 2018 welcomes both original, unpublished papers, as well as papers
that have been published in a relevant conference or journal.
EUMAS 2018 offers three types of submissions:
(1) *Full original papers* of 12 to 15 pages, describing work that has not
been previously published, accepted for publication, nor is currently under
review by another conference or journal.
(2) *Short original papers* of 6 to 8 pages reporting on views, ambitions
or work in progress that has not been previously published, accepted for
publication, or is not currently under review by another conference or
(3) *Published papers* up to 15 pages reporting on interesting and relevant
work that has been published (or accepted for publication) in the last 18
Each submission will be peer-reviewed. All submissions should be formatted
according to Springer's LNCS format. For templates and instructions for
authors, see _http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html_. We request
the submission of title and abstract prior to paper submission to support
the tight schedule of reviewing. Authors must submit their abstracts and
papers through the EUMAS 2018 Easychair submission site
EUMAS proceedings will be published as a Springer LNCS/LNAI proceedings
volume (_www.springer.com/lncs <http://www.springer.com/lncs>_). Full
research papers and short papers describing original, unpublished work
(categories 1 and 2) accepted at EUMAS 2018 will be included in the
We will give authors of accepted papers the opportunity to revise the
camera-ready version of their paper(s) in order to incorporate feedback
received upon the presentation of their work during the conference.
Alessandro Ricci University of Bologna
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni LIP6 - University of Pierre and Marie Curie
Amit Chopra Lancaster University
Ana L. C. Bazzan Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Andrea Omicini Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna
Andreas Herzig IRIT-CNRS
Aniello Murano University of Naples Federico II
Benoit Gaudou UMR 5505 CNRS, IRIT, Université de Toulouse
Brian Logan University of Nottingham
Catalin Dima LACL, Université Paris Est - Créteil
Cristiano Castelfranchi Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
Davide Grossi University of Groningen
Dominique Longin IRIT-CNRS
Dragan Doder IRIT - UPS
Dušan Knop Charles University
Edith Elkind University of Oxford
Emiliano Lorini IRIT
Emilio Serrano Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Franziska Klügl Örebro University
Fred Amblard IRIT - University Toulouse 1 Capitole
Frederic Moisan Carnegie Mellon University
George Vouros University of Piraeus
Georgios Chalkiadakis Technical University of Crete
Giuseppe Perelli University of Oxford
Ingo J. Timm University of Trier
Ioana Boureanu University of Surrey
Joao Leite Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
John-Jules Meyer Utrecht University
Jörg P. Müller TU Clausthal
Julian Padget University of Bath
Karl Tuyls University of Liverpool
Laurent Perrussel IRIT - Universite de Toulouse
Laurent Vercouter LITIS lab, INSA de Rouen
Leon van der Torre University of Luxembourg
Louise Dennis University of Liverpool
Magdalena Ivanovska University of Oslo
Malvin Gattinger University of Amsterdam
Marin Lujak IMT Lille Douai
Marina De Vos University of Bath
Massimo Cossentino National Research Council of Italy
Mehdi Dastani Utrecht University
Michał Knapik ICS PAS
Nardine Osman Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC)
Natasha Alechina University of Nottingham
Neil Yorke-Smith Delft University of Technology
Nicola Gatti Politecnico di Milano
Nicolas Maudet Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Nicoletta Fornara Università della Svizzera Italiana
Nina Gierasimczuk Technical University of Denmark
Nir Oren University of Aberdeen
Olivier Boissier Mines Saint-Etienne, Institut Henri Fayol, Laboratoire
Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516 Pablo Noriega Artificial Intelligence Research
Institute (IIIA)
Paolo Torroni University of Bologna
Paolo Turrini Imperial College London
Pavlos Moraitis LIPADE, Paris Descartes University
Pinar Yolum Bogazici University
Ronald de Haan University of Amsterdam
Sanjay Modgil King's College London
Sebastien Picault Equipe SMAC (CRIStAL UMR 9189) - Universite de Lille
(Sciences et Technologies) Serena Villata CNRS - Laboratoire
d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis
Sofia Ceppi The University of Edinburgh
Stefano Moretti CNRS UMR7243 - LAMSADE Dauphine University
Stéphane Airiau LAMSADE - Université Paris-Dauphine
Sylvie Doutre University of Toulouse 1 - IRIT
Thomas Ågotnes University of Bergen
Thomas Bolander Technical University of Denmark
Truls Pedersen University of Bergen
Valentin Goranko Stockholm University
Vicent Botti Universitat Politècnica de València
Wamberto Vasconcelos Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
- Deadline for title and abstract registration: September 15, 2018
- Deadline for papers submission: September 20, 2018
- Notification to authors: October 20, 2018
- Camera Ready Papers: October 31, 2018
- Conference: 6-7 December, 2018
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12, i.e. before midnight on the respective
date anywhere in the world.
Marija Slavkovik (University of Bergen)
Marija Slavkovik (University of Bergen)
Ola Roth Johnsen (University of Bergen)
EUMAS Organising Committee (marija.slavkovik at uib.no)
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