[agents] Call for players - AAMAS 2018 football match

Tran-Thanh L. ltt08r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jul 4 10:16:15 EDT 2018

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the AAMAS Football Tournament (AAMAS Football 2018) at AAMAS 2018 (Stockholm), which has a longstanding tradition within the AAMAS community. This year the tournament will be held at the Solberga ball field (close to the conference centre) between 19:00-21:00, Friday 13th July 2018.

Note that while the tournament started as a friendly football match between researchers from the US and Europe, in the last few years researchers from other continents had also joined the tournament. However, for the tradition, we still keep the format of US vs.  European teams (but in fact anyone can join). Given this, if you are attending AAMAS/ICML this year and would like to play, please contact one of the following organisers:

Amulya Yadav (US team): amulyaya at usc.edu<mailto:amulyaya at usc.edu>
Long Tran-Thanh (European team): l.tran-thanh at soton.ac.uk<mailto:l.tran-thanh at soton.ac.uk>

Please also bring a white (or light-coloured) and black (or dark) jersey/t-shirt. More details will be announced later to confirmed players.

Looking forward to seeing you at the match (and of course, at the conference as well)!

Best regards,

Dr. Long Tran-Thanh
Agents, Interaction, and Complexity Group,
Electronics and Computer Science,
University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ
tel: +44 (0) 2380593715

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