[agents] CFP: IEEE SaCoNeT'18

Scott Fowler scott_fowler at ymail.com
Fri Jun 29 02:32:56 EDT 2018

Apologiesfor multiple postings. The7th International Conference on Smart Communications in NetworkTechnologies (SaCoNeT’18,Technically cosponsored by IEEE and IEEE ComSoc)
La Gazelle d’Or (five stars Resort & SPA- http://www.hotel-lagazelledor.com/),El Oued, Algeria, October 27-31, 2018.Underthe Steering Committee : AbdelhamidMellouk,University Paris-Est Créteil, France; Mohamed Atiquzzaman, University ofOklahoma, USA; Scott Fowler, University of Linköping, Sweden; HossamHassanein, University of Queens, Canada; Xavi Masip-Bruin,University of Catalonia, Spain; Mohammad Obaidat, University of Jordan,Jordan; Sherali Zeadally, University of Kentucky, USA; Albert Zomaya,University of Sydney, Australia ==================================================================================Scope:The scope of SaCoNet is to deal with the growing smartcommunications fields embedded in complex systems for a wide variety ofapplications in the future generation of network and cloud computingtechnologies. SaCoNet focuses on how smart communications and ICT networksimpact not only on network technologies (protocols, equipment, algorithms,power, MANET, VANET, etc.), but also on creating collective and individualawareness about the multiple sustainability threats which our society is facingnowadays at social, environmental and political levels, considering a widefamily of applications (healthcare, underwater, vehicular, robotic, economics,hand industries, Oil and Gas industries, etc). Current trends are to proposenew autonomic architecture schemes that manage and control future emergingnetworks: sky of clouds, Fogs, Internet of things, Smart Grids, Smart Cities,Healthcare, wellness applications such as helping elderly people, assistingdependent persons. Another key challenge arises at business level, sinceexisting models do not cover added value services. SaCoNeT solicits papersdealing with Smart Communications in (not limited to):
        - Next Generation Networks (5Gnetworks, Fog/Cloud-based mobile architectures, SDN, Device-         to-DeviceCommunications, etc.)-  Ad hoc, Sensor,Surveillance and Vehicular Networks (IoT, IoV, Context aware networks, Energyand Harvesting optimization, Real-time network, etc.)- Autonomic and Robot basedNetworks (Design autonomous robotic systems, Assistive robotic technology,Autonomous manipulation using service robots, etc.)
- Applications and client overview (Data mining /Image processing in networks,Software engineering in networks, Big data analysis, Secure and scalablenetwork applications, E-Health, Telemedicine, Oil and Gas industries, etc.) Paper Submission: 
Authors are invited to submit original papers with unpublished material andnot currently submitted for consideration elsewhere via EDAS on the followinglink: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=24912. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least threereviewers. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to be indexed byIEEE digital library (IEEE Xplore). Extended versions of selected papers will be published in a:   
   - Special Issue of International Journal of Communication Systems (JCR indexed) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10991131 (cfp)
   - Privacy and Security journal : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/24756725 
   - As a Chapter in a book “Smart Communication in Network Technologies” edited in “Network and Telecommunication Series” by  Iste and Wiley and coordinated by Pr. A. Mellouk
   - Junior and poster papers will be published in Multimedia and Networks Journal edited Iste Open Science, https://www.openscience.fr/Multimedia-and-Networks 
 ImportantDates:·        PaperSubmission Deadline:                  July 31st, 2018·        Notificationof acceptance:                   September 5th, 2018·        CameraReady Submission:                   September 15th, 2018·        Tutorial proposals:                                July 31st, 2018·        Workshop proposals:                            July 31st,2018Organizers:
General Chair:
     Abdelhamid Mellouk, UPEC, France
Honorary Chair:
     Ferhati Omar, President of El Oued University
Executive Honorary Chair:
     Guedda El Habib, Vice-President of El Oued University
Technical Program Committee co-Chairs:
    Scott Fowler, University of Linköping, Sweden
    Salim Bitam, University of Biskra, Algeria
    Sami Souihi, UPEC, France
Proceeding Chair:
     Said Hoceini, UPEC, France
Workshop co-Chairs:
    Xavi Masip-Bruin, Univ. of Catalonia, Spain
    Christophe Chassot, Univ. of Toulouse, France
    Brice Augustin, UPEC, France.
Tutorial co-Chairs:
    Denis-Genon Catalot, Gipsa-Lab Grenoble, France
    Thiago Abreu, UPEC, France
    Nidal Nasser, Alfaisal University, SA
Publicity co-Chairs:
     Eduardo Cerqueira, Federal university of Para, Brazil
     Lei Shu, University of Osaka, Japan
    Hai Anh Tran, UVI  Hanoi, Vietnam
    Nadeem Javaid, COMSATS Islamabad, Pakistan  
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