[agents] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents

Stefano V. Albrecht s.albrecht at ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 7 04:22:29 EDT 2018

*Special Issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents*

Published in Artificial Intelligence

Call for Papers: 

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to contribute to a new special issue on the topic of 
/*Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents*/, to be published in the 
journal *Artificial Intelligence*.

Much research in artificial intelligence (AI) is concerned with enabling 
autonomous agents to model various aspects of other agents, such as 
their beliefs, intentions, plans, goals, and decision making. A recent 
survey by Albrecht and Stone, published in AIJ 
(_https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artint.2018.01.002_), discusses the major 
modelling methods that have been developed in AI research and highlights 
open problems. The survey shows that this is a large area of research 
with a history going back several decades. However, it also shows that 
the area is fractured into many sub-communities with little interaction, 
including work in game playing, computer poker, automated negotiation, 
simulated robot soccer, human user modelling, human-robot interaction, 
commercial video games, trust and reputation, and multi-agent learning. 
The purpose of this special issue is to provide a venue for new 
*technical contributions* in this area addressing open problems 
including those highlighted in the survey, as well as to complement the 
survey via *research perspectives* which may include historical 
accounts, a description of recent developments and applications, and 
personal views about current limitations and future directions.

The following is a non-exclusive list of topics relevant to the special 

  * Learning and using models of other agents' decision making processes
  * Opponent modelling in games
  * Methods for goal/intent/plan recognition
  * Theory of mind, recursive reasoning, epistemic planning
  * Implicit agent modelling
  * Modelling humans
  * Modelling other agents under partial observability
  * Modelling teams/groups of agents
  * Teammate modelling for ad hoc teamwork
  * Robust decision making with agent models
  * Reasoning about utilities and preferences of other agents
  * Modelling other agents in open multi-agent systems
  * Modelling changing behaviours of other agents
  * Safe exploration of agent model spaces
  * Misspecified agent models and model revision
  * Graphical representations of agent models
  * Innovative applications of agents modelling other agents
  * Historical accounts, current limitations, and future directions of
    agent modelling

Submissions will be open from *June 2018 until December 31, 2018* and 
can be made using the EVISE system: 
Authors should select *<VSI:Agents Mod. Other Agents>* when they reach 
the “Article Type” step in the submission process. All submitted 
articles will go through a peer-review process. Reviewing of submitted 
articles begins immediately after submission, with first decisions 
(accept, reject, revisions) made within three months. Accepted articles 
will be published immediately online on the AIJ website and will also be 
included in the special issue.

Guest editors:

Stefano Albrecht (s.albrecht at ed.ac.uk)
University of Edinburgh

Peter Stone (pstone at cs.utexas.edu)
University of Texas at Austin

Michael Wellman (wellman at umich.edu)
University of Michigan
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