[agents] 2018 Researcher Links workshop on Mental Health Technologies call for "Chinese participants"

张远 yzhang at ujn.edu.cn
Thu May 17 21:47:52 EDT 2018

2018 Researcher Links workshop on Mental Health Technologies

精 神 健 康 技 术 中 英 青 年 学 者 双 边 研 讨 会

Jinan, Shandong Province, China

Sept 7-9, 2018



Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) will be holding a Bilateral Workshop on Mental Health Technologies in Jinan China on Sept 7-9 2018. This workshop aims to bring together leading clinicians, academics, young researchers, and other stakeholders together to discuss the challenges in mental health care, share their latest research, and facilitate collaborations to address the growing need to improve the care of mental illnesses in China and the UK. The workshop is being coordinated by Dr Benny Lo of Imperial College London and Dr Yuan Zhang of the University of Jinan, and will have contributions from other leading researchers. There will be a focus on building up links for future collaborations and participants selected on the basis of their research potential and ability to build longer term links. Therefore the workshop will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking.

More details regarding Objectives, Technical Areas, Eligibility Criteria, Application Form, Submission, ect., can be found via http://uslab.ujn.edu.cn/workshop/index.html.


为给更多学者提供一个良好的学习、交流、合作机会,现征集遴选不多于30名自费参会中方学者。会议费1200元(提供正式发票),包括会议注册费、资料费、9月6日-8日5次正餐费用。交通、住宿费自理。欢迎感兴趣的学者(不包括学生)填写申请表(见网站),发送至yzhang at ujn.edu.cn,邮件主题“精神健康技术中英青年学者双边研讨会参会申请-张三”(截止日期2018年6月10日,宜早不宜迟)。更多信息和申请表请见 http://uslab.ujn.edu.cn/workshop/index.html。感谢您的参与与支持!

Yuan Zhang(张远), Ph.D., SMIEEE, SMACM 
Associate Professor of Computer Science 
School of Information Science & Engineering 
University of Jinan 
250022 P.R.China 
Email: yzhang at ujn.edu.cn, yuan.zhang at ieee.org 
URL: http://uslab.ujn.edu.cn/
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