[agents] CFP (SNAMS- 2018): The Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security, Valencia, Spain. October 15-18, 2018.

Gizem Varkonyi emergingtechnetwork.publicity at gmail.com
Mon May 7 12:45:41 EDT 2018

​​[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

*The Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management
and Security *

*Valencia, Spain. October 15-18, 2018.*


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*Call for Papers *

We are pleased to invite you to submit original contributions to SNAMS 2018
via the official submission system at https://easychair.org/confe
rences/?conf=snams2018. This can include, technical and experimental,
theoretical, conceptual, or a survey. All submissions will be peer-reviewed
on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.
Submission Types: Accepted types of submissions are including:

   - *Full papers (6 - 8 Pages), *
   - *Short papers (4 - 6 Pages), *
   - *Posters (2 - 4 Pages). *

All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings which will be
included in the digital libraries of the IEEE Computer Society sponsor.
Conference Topics:


   -  Systems and algorithms for social search
   - Infrastructure support for social networks and systems
   - Dynamics and evolution patterns of large and complex networks
   - Social properties in systems design
   - Learnings from operational social networks
   - Data Collection
   - Big Data and Social Paradigms


   -  Deep Learning and Knowledge Discovery.
   - Measurement and analysis of social and crowdsourcing systems
   - Benchmarking, modeling, performance and workload characterization
   - Modeling Social Networks and behavior
   - Management of social network data
   - Streaming algorithms for social data
   - Knowledge and innovation networks
   - Methods for social and media analysis
   - Models for network data
   - Network analysis in human and social sciences
   - Information propagation and assimilation in social networks
   - Data mining and machine learning in social systems


   -  Privacy and security in social systems
   - Trust and reputations in social systems
   - Detection, analysis, prevention of spam, phishing, and misbehavior in
   social systems


   - Novel social applications and systems
   - Transient OSNs (e.g. Snapchat)
   - Special purpose OSNs (e.g., Instagram, Vine)
   - Communities in social networks
   - Collaboration networks
   - New models of advertising and monetization in social networks
   - Mobile advertising on OSNs
   - Network visualization
   - Social networks and online education
   - Sentiment analysis on OSNs
   - Multilingual social networks
   - Social networks as agents of societal change

Important Dates: Submission Date: *10 June 2018 *
Notification to Authors: 20 August 2018
Camera Ready Submission: 5 September 2018
  Submission System https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=snams2018

Submit Your Work! <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=snams2018>
Kindly share this call!

​ Please send any inquiry on IoTSMS 2018 to Emerging Tech. Network Team :
emergingtechnetwork at gmail.com
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