Andrew Koster andrew at iiia.csic.es
Thu Apr 19 05:25:27 EDT 2018


Joint Workshop on AI in Health (AIH). 
Organized in conjunction with ECAI/IJCAI, AAMAS and ICML conferences. 


Paper submission: April 30, 2018 
Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2018 
Camera-ready: June 2, 2018 
Workshop: July 13 , 2018 


The Joint Workshop on AI in Health (AIH) consolidates the CARE, KR4HC/ProHealth and AI4HC workshops and aims to discuss AI technologies with medical applications. In particular, submissions are welcome in any of the following three tracks: 
• Agents in Healthcare 
• Data Science and Decision Systems in Healthcare 
• Knowledge Management in Healthcare 

AIH intends to provide a discussion forum for the most recent and innovative work on the study and application of AI technologies in compelling healthcare scenarios. It will cover a wide spectrum of applications, from those aimed at easing and supporting healthcare professionals' work to those devoted to improving patients’ lives. The event aims to discuss computational models, social computing, and agent-based solutions applied to practical solutions that address topics related to Healthcare. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
• AI in Healthcare Support Systems 
• AI for Personalized Healthcare 
• Ethical Issues of AI and Health 
• Agent-based Systems in Healthcare Applications 
• Distributed Healthcare Systems 
• Social Computing in Healthcare 
• Care for Chronic Conditions with AI Support 
• Medical Expert Systems 
• Care Team Coordination and Collaboration 
• Medical Drones 
• AI for Chatbots in Healthcare 
• Social Media Analysis for Epidemiology 
• AI in Medical Imaging 
• AI in Biomedicine 
• AI in mHealth, eHealth, and Wearable Health 
• Representation and Reasoning with Time Series Data 
• Multi-modal Data Fusion and Representation 
• Machine Learning in Medicine 
• Applications in Shallow and Deep Representations 
• Applications in Digital Behavioural Change and Self-management 
• Process Modelling in Healthcare 
• Flexible Processes and Case Management in Healthcare 
• Knowledge Representation and Ontologies in Healthcare 
• Computerised Clinical Guidelines and Protocols 
• Knowledge Extraction from Healthcare Databases and Clinical Records 
• Knowledge-based Modelling, Simulation, and Synthetization in Healthcare 

Submissions will be sorted into the three tracks above, although we also welcome submissions more broadly related to AI in Healthcare. For all papers, we strongly recommend the inclusion of a clinical assessment of the usefulness and potential impact of the submitted work. The evaluation should demonstrate the feasibility of the presented newly developed formal methods and applications in healthcare. We specifically encourage work resulting from academia-industry partnerships. 

The single day event will feature a mixture of invited talks, discussions and submitted contributions describing current work or work in progress in the area of AI in Healthcare. 


Submission is done electronically through Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aih18 . Papers should be formatted according to LNCS specification and submitted as a PDF file. We seek three types of submissions: 

• Full paper of 8-12 pages. 
• Short paper of 4 pages, such as position and early result papers. 
• Demo paper of 4 pages describing a demonstration. 

Submissions will be peer-reviewed by, at least, three reviewers per paper. Selection criteria will include relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Some preference may also be given to papers which address emergent trends or important common themes, or which enhance balance of workshop topics. 

We plan to publish selected papers in two post-proceedings volumes through Springer, and will further offer participants the opportunity to contribute to a Special Issue in the ESWA Journal. 


Prof. Isabelle Bichindaritz, State University of New York, USA 
Prof. Dr. Christian Guttmann, UNSW, Australia & Karolinska Institute & Nordic AI Institute & Tieto, Sweden 
Dr. Pau Herrero, Imperial College London, UK 
Dr. Fernando Koch, The University of Melbourne, Australia 
Dr. Andrew Koster, IIIA-CSIC & Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain 
Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany 
Prof. Beatriz López Ibáñez, University of Girona, Spain 
Prof. Cindy Marling, Ohio University, USA 
Prof. Clare Martin, Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment, Oxford Brookes Uni., UK 
Dr. Sara Montagna, DISI - Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Italy 
Prof. Stefania Montani, DISIT - University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy 
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert, Ulm University, Germany 
Dr. David Riaño, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain 
Prof. Dr. Michael I. Schumacher, AISLab, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland 
Dr. Annette ten Teije, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Prof. Nirmalie Wiratunga, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK 


The Joint Workshop on AI in Health aims to bring together communities from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applied in Health and Medicine. It consolidates previous workshops in the area, co-located with AAMAS, IJCAI, ICML and other related conferences: 
• The Workshop on Collaborative Agents Research and Development (CARE) was held 8 times before, mostly co-located with the AAMAS conference. 
• The Workshop on AI for Healthcare (AI4HC) consolidates the following workshops: 
◦ Agents Applied in Healthcare (A2HC), held 10 times, co-located with AAMAS 
◦ Workshop on CBR in the Health Sciences, held 10 times, co-located with ICCBR 
◦ Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes (AID), held twice, with ECAI and AIME 
◦ Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data (KDH), held twice with IJCAI4HC 
• The Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Healthcare (KR4HC/ProHealth) joins the KR4HC and ProHealth workshops. Held jointly for the 5th time in 2017: 
◦ Knowledge Representation for Healthcare (KR4HC), held 9 times 
◦ Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth), held 10 times
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