[agents] [CfP] ISWC 2018 - Call for Papers

Maribel Acosta iswc2018 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 08:54:17 EDT 2018

*17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018)Monterey, California
(USA), October 8-12, 2018This is an announcement of the ISWC 2018 call for
papers.Upcoming deadlines (Main Tracks): paper abstract (March 30), paper
submission (April 06)Website: http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org
@iswc2018 (https://twitter.com/iswc2018
<https://twitter.com/iswc2018>)Important dates:
<http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/important-dates/> In this announcement:1.
Call for Papers: Main Tracks2. Call for Papers: Doctoral Consortium3. Call
for Papers: Posters and Demos1. Call for Papers: Main
for Research Track
International Semantic Web Conference is the premier venue for presenting
fundamental research, innovative technology, and applications concerning
semantics, data, and the Web.In this track of ISWC 2018, we are looking for
novel and significant research contributions addressing theoretical,
analytical and empirical aspects of the Semantic Web. While we welcome work
that relates to the W3C Semantic Web recommendations (e.g., RDF, OWL,
SPARQL, etc.), we also encourage contributions to research at the
intersection of Semantic Web and other scientific disciplines. Submissions
to the research track should describe original, significant, and replicable
research on the Semantic Web. All papers must include  method evaluations
that are rigorous, repeatable and reproducible. This will be one of the key
paper reviewing criteria. We also strongly encourage papers that provide
links to the data sets, source code, queries used to evaluate their
approach, and/or live deployments.All papers will be assessed by a program
committee. Each paper will be reviewed by at least four committee members,
including one senior member. The review criteria used are outlined
below.Before submitting, authors are asked to consult the calls of the
other tracks featured at ISWC 2018 and to choose the track that best suits
their contribution. The submission of the same work to multiple tracks is
not allowed and may result in a rejection of the work across all tracks
without a review.Detailed info:
<http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/call-for-research-track-papers/> Program
Chairs* Denny Vrandecic,  Google, USA* Kalina Bontcheva, University of
for In-Use Track
their debut in the scientific community at the break of the millennium,
Semantic Web technologies have moved from being adopted in small-scale
academic prototypes to being employed in real-world settings in industry
and governments at different scales. The “In Use” Track at ISWC’18
continues the tradition of demonstrating and learning from the increasing
adoption of Semantic Web technologies outside the boundaries of research
institutions, by providing a forum for the community to explore the
benefits and challenges of applying these technologies in concrete,
practical applications, in contexts ranging from industry to government and
science.Therefore, we are looking for descriptions of applied and validated
solutions such as software tools, systems or architectures that benefit
from the use of Semantic Web technologies (including, but not limited to,
ontologies, Linked Data, knowledge representation languages). Importantly,
submitted papers should provide convincing evidence that there is use of
the proposed application or tool by the target user group, preferably
outside the group that conducted the development. A main focus of the
submissions should be on the benefits of Semantics Web technologies for the
intended use case, as well as, if relevant, on the added challenges they
introduce.Before submitting to the In-Use Track, authors are asked to
consult the calls of the other tracks featured at ISWC 2018 and to choose
the track that best suits their contribution. The submission of the same
work to multiple tracks is not allowed and may result in a rejection of the
work across all tracks without a review.Detailed info:
<http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/call-for-in-use-track-papers/> Program
Chairs* Irene Celino, Cefriel, Italy* Marta Sabou, Technical University of
for Resources Track
are of paramount importance as they foster scientific advancement. For
example, the DBpedia resource had a major influence on the Semantic Web
community by enabling the Linked (Open) Data movement. Validating a
research hypothesis or providing answers to a research question often goes
together with developing new resources that support these achievements.
These resources include, among others,  datasets, benchmarks, workflows,
and software. Sharing them is key to allow other researchers to compare new
results, reproduce experimental settings and explore new lines of research,
in accordance with the FAIR principles for scientific data management. Yet,
resources themselves rarely get the same recognition as the scientific
advances they facilitate.The ISWC 2018 Resources Track aims to promote the
sharing of resources including, but not restricted to: datasets,
ontologies, vocabularies, ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks
or methods, services, APIs and software frameworks, workflows,
crowdsourcing task designs, protocols and metrics, that have contributed to
the generation of novel scientific work. In particular, we encourage the
sharing of such resources following best and well established practices
within the Semantic Web community. This track calls for contributions that
provide a concise and clear description of a resource and its usage.A
typical Resource track paper has its focus set on reporting on one of the
following categories of resources:* Datasets produced: to support specific
evaluation tasks; to support novel research methods; by novel algorithms;*
Ontologies, vocabularies and ontology design patterns, with a focus on
describing the modelling process underlying their creation;* Benchmarking
activities focusing on datasets and algorithms for comprehensible and
systematic evaluation of existing and future systems;* Reusable research
prototypes / services supporting a given research hypothesis;* Community
shared software frameworks that can be extended or adapted to support
scientific study and experimentation;* Scientific and experimental
workflows used and reused in practical studies;* Crowdsourcing task designs
that have been used and can be (re)used for building resources such as gold
standards and the like;* Protocols for conducting experiments and studies;*
Novel evaluation methodologies and metrics, and their demonstration in an
experimental study. Detailed info:
<http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/call-for-resources-track-papers/> Program
Chairs* Valentina Presutti, STLab-ISTC, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
– Rome, Italy* Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, OEG (Ontology Engineering
Group), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain
Track: Important Dates for Paper Submissions
due: March 30, 2018Full papers due: April 6, 2018Author rebuttals: May
7-11, 2018Notifications: May 25, 2018Camera-ready papers due: June 15,
2018All deadlines are midnight Hawaii time.2. Call for Papers: Doctoral
Consortium==========================================The ISWC 2018 Doctoral
Consortium will take place as part of the 17th International Semantic Web
Conference in Monterey, California in the USA. This forum will provide PhD
students an opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a
critical but supportive environment, to get feedback from mentors who are
senior members of the Semantic Web research community, to explore issues
related to academic and research careers, and to build relationships with
other Semantic Web PhD students from around the world.The Consortium aims
to broaden the perspectives and to improve the research and communication
skills of these students.The Doctoral Consortium is intended for students
who have a specific research proposal and some preliminary results, but who
have sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from
the consortium experience. Generally, students in their second or third
year of PhD will benefit the most from the Doctoral Consortium. In the
Consortium, the students will present their proposals and get specific
feedback and advice on how to improve their research plan.All proposals
submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a thorough reviewing
process with a view to providing detailed and constructive feedback. The
international program committee will select – submissions for presentation
at the Doctoral Consortium.Students with accepted submissions at the
Doctoral Consortium will be eligible to apply for  travel fellowships to
offset some of the travel costs but they will be asked to attend the whole
day of the Doctoral Consortium.Detailed info:
Program Chairs* Sabrina Kirrane, Vienna University of Economics and
Business, Austria* Lalana Kagal, MIT CSAIL,
Consortium: Important Dates for Submissions
Consortium submissions: April 13, 2018Doctoral Consortium notifications:
May 14, 2018Doctoral Consortium camera-ready submissions: May 28, 2018All
deadlines are midnight Hawaii time.3. Call for Papers: Posters &
Demos==========================================The ISWC 2018 Posters and
Demonstrations complement the paper tracks of the conference and offer an
opportunity for presenting late-breaking research results, on-going
research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. The
informal setting of the Posters and Demonstrations encourages presenters
and participants to engage in discussions about the work. Such discussions
can be invaluable inputs for the future work of the presenters, while
offering participants an effective way to broaden their knowledge of the
emerging research trends and to network with other researchers.We invite
submissions relevant to the area of the Semantic Web and which address, but
are not limited to, the topics of the Research Track; the In-Use Track; and
the Resource Track. Technical posters, reports on Semantic Web software
systems (free or commercial), descriptions of completed work, and work in
progress are all welcome. Demonstrations are intended to showcase
innovative Semantic Web related implementations and technologies, both in
academia and in industry.We explicitly welcome entries from the industry.
However, submissions for posters and demos should go beyond pure
advertisements of commercial software packages and convey a minimal
scientific contribution.Authors of full papers accepted for the Research
Track; the In-Use Track; and the Resource Track are explicitly invited to
submit a demonstration. The submission should be formatted as the other
posters and demonstrations but must cite the accepted full paper and needs
to include an explanation of its added value with respect to the conference
paper. The added value could include: a) extended results and experiments
not presented in the conference paper for reasons of space, or b) a
demonstration of a supporting prototype implementation.Detailed info:
<http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/call-for-posters-demos/> Program Chairs*
Medha Atre, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India* Marieke van Erp,
KNAW Humanities Cluster, the
& Demos: Important Dates for Submissions
& Demo submissions: June 1, 2018Poster & Demo notifications: June 22,
2018Poster & Demo camera-ready submissions: July 24, 2018All deadlines are
midnight Hawaii time.The ISWC Organising Committee
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