[agents] FOCLASA 2018 - First call for papers

Jacopo Soldani soldani at di.unipi.it
Fri Mar 2 07:04:35 EST 2018


                          FOCLASA 2018

          16th International Workshop on Foundations of 
        Coordination Languages and Self-adaptive systems

                           Toulouse, France,
                             June 26, 2018




       * Publication  of  the  proceedings  in the  Lecture  Notes  of
         Computer Science of Springer-Verlag, following the collective
        volumes published by STAF
       * Publication  of   extended  versions  of  selected   work  is
         planned  in  a  special  issue of  an  international  journal
         as in previous issues of FOCLASA


                           IMPORTANT DATES

         * Submission of abstract:           April 13, 2018
         * Submission of papers:             April 20, 2018
         * Notification of acceptance:       May 20, 2018
         * Final version:                    June 10, 2018
         * Workshop:                         June 26, 2018


                           WORKSHOP GOALS

Nowadays  software systems  are distributed,  concurrent, mobile,  and
often  involve   the  composition  of  heterogeneous   components  and
stand-alone   services.  Service   coordination  and   self-adaptation
constitute   the   core   character    istics   of   distributed   and
service-oriented   systems.    Coordination   languages   and   formal
approaches to  modelling and  reasoning about  self-adaptive behaviour
help to simplify the  development of complex distributed service-based
systems, enable functional correctness  proofs and improve reusability
and maintainability of such systems.  The goal of the FOCLASA workshop
is  to  gather researchers  and  practitioners  of the  aforementioned
fields, to share  and identify common problems, and  to devise general
solutions in  the context of coordination  languages and self-adaptive

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* Theoretical  models   and  frameworks  for   component  and  service 
  coordination, service composition, service adaptation and concurrent 
  system modeling. 
* Applications and usability studies for the aforementioned theoretical 
  models,   interaction  and   coordination   challenges  in   various 
  application domains. 
* Languages  and  specification protocols  for  component and  service 
  interaction,   their  semantics,   expressiveness,   validation  and 
  verification,   type   checking,   static  and   dynamic   analysis. 
* "Software as  a service" models (e.g., cloud  computing) and dynamic 
  software  architectures, such  as self-adaptive  and self-organizing 
* Tools  and  environments  for  the  development  of  concurrent  and 
  customizable  self-monitoring,   self-adaptive  and  self-organizing 
* Algorithms,  mathematical  models  and  realization  frameworks  for 
  quality-of-service  observation, storage, history-based  analysis in 
  self-adaptive systems (queuing  models, load  balancing, analysis of 
  fault-tolerance, machine learning systems). 

Practice, experience  and methodologies  from the following  areas are 
solicited as well: 

* Business process modelling 
* Blockchains
* Cloud/fog/edge computing 
* Component-based systems 
* Large-scale distributed systems 
* (Micro)service-based systems
* Multi-agent systems 
* Peer-to-peer systems 
* Self-adaptive systems


The  conference proceedings  will  be published  by  Springer, in  the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Extended versions of  a selection of the best papers  is planned to be
published  in  a special  issue  of  an  international journal  as  in
previous issues of FOCLASA.


Papers must be submitted electronically in  PostScript or PDF by using 
a two-phase online submission process. Registration of information and
and abstract (max. 250 words) of papers must be completed before April 
13, 2018.  Final submission of papers is  due no later  than April 20, 
2018. All submissions will be handled through the EasyChair conference  
management system, accessible from the conference web site:

Contributions must  be  written in  English  and  report on  original,
unpublished work not submitted for publication elsewhere. Full papers
should  be  15  pages  long, including  figures  and  references, and 
prepared by using Springer's LNCS style.  Short papers (6 pages long)
describing  preliminary results or work-in-progress are encouraged as
well. Submissions not adhering to the above specified constraints may 
be rejected without any review.  Papers should be submitted as PDF or
PS via EasyChair.

                          PROGRAM COMMITTEE


Jean-Marie Jacquet       University of Namur, Belgium
                         Jean-Marie.Jacquet at unamur.be

Jacopo Soldani           University of Pisa
                         soldani at di.unipi.it


Gul Agha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Pedro Alvarez, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands
Simon Bliudze, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France
Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
Javier Camara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Flavio De Paoli, University of Milano, Italy 
Francisco J. Duran, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Erik de Vink, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
Letterio Galletta, IMT Lucca, Italy
Eva Kuhn, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Technical University of Denmark
Sun Meng, Peking University, China
Hernan C. Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mohammad Mousavi, Halmstad University, Sweden
Pascal Poizat, Universite Paris Ouest, France
Jose Proenca, INESC TEC & Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Gwen Salaun, University of Grenoble, France
Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
Marjan Sirjani, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA
Massimo Tivoli, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Emilio Tuosto, University of Leicester, UK
Lina Ye, CentraleSupelec, France
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy

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