The Week Of Monday 22 January 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jan 22 01:56:54 EST 2018
Ending: Sun Jan 28 12:29:51 EST 2018
Messages: 36
- [agents] Call for Submissions: IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2018 Tracks, Workshops and Co-Located Events
- [agents] [Deadline Approaching] CFP: Workshop on Industrial Internet of Things Security (WIIoTS)
Cristina Alcaraz
- [agents] FMEC 2018 (Final Deadline): The IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, Barcelona, Spain. April 23-26, 2018
Moayad Aloqaily
- [agents] Last CfP: 8th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference - Luxembourg (EEWC 2018)
David Aveiro
- [agents] MeTRiD 2018: Deadline extension (ETAPS workshop)
Simon Bliudze
- [agents] 12th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems - CFP
Antonio Bucchiarone
- [agents] CfP: 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2018)
Tomas Bures
- [agents] [DCAI'18] Call for papers
DCAI’18 International Conference
- [agents] [PAAMS'18] Extended deadline - Call for papers
PAAMS’18 International Conference
- [agents] CFP: Workshop on Industrial Internet of Things Security (WIIoTS)
Juan Enrique Rubio Cortés
- [agents] CfP: Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock 2018)
Gabriele D'Angelo
- [agents] CFP META'18 @Marrakech
Grégoire DANOY
- [agents] Verification of Systems that Learn (extended deadline)
Louise Dennis
- [agents] CFP - IEEE ScalCom 2018
Scott Fowler
- [agents] [MAS&S 2018] CFP: deadline 5 February 2018, at PAAMS 2018
Ruben Fuentes
- [agents] CFP: 6th International Conference on Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence(SCAI2018)
Katsuhide Fujita
- [agents] SDS 2018 (Extended Deadline):The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Software Defined Systems, Barcelona, Spain. April 23-26, 2018
Yaser Jararweh
- [agents] Invitation to Organize a Workshop with FNC 2018 in Gran Canaria, Spain (August 13-15, 2018)
Haroon Malik
- [agents] MobiSPC18: Call for Workshops Proposals
Haroon Malik
- [agents] FNC'18: 13th Intl. Conf. on Future Networks and Communications, Gran Canaria, Spain (Paper Submission Date: March 22, 2018)
Davidekova Monika
- [agents] MobiSPC-Conf: The 15th Intl. Conf. on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing, Gran Canaria, Spain (Submission Date: March 22, 2018)
Davidekova Monika
- [agents] Call for Papers - 6th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob 2018)
AndreA Orlandini
- [agents] Deadline extended: [CFP] The First IEEE International Workshop on Smart Living with IoT, Cloud, and Edge Computing (SLICE 2018) Barcelona, Spain. April 23-26, 2018, Submission Deadline: January 31, 2018
- [agents] Call for Nominations - VCLA Awards 2018 for Master and Bachelor theses (deadline: 15 March)
Mihaela Rozman
- [agents] [CFP] Advanced Cloud and Big Data, 6th Intl. Conf. on (CBD 2018)
Feng Shan
- [agents] IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award (2nd call)
Munindar P. Singh
- [agents] CFP: SocialSens 2018: Third International Workshop on Social Sensing, at IoTDI 2018
Su, Lu
- [agents] 2nd Call For Papers and Workshops: 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2018)
Suanda, Sumarga H.
- [agents] ACRI 2018 - Call for Papers
Giuseppe Vizzari
- [agents] Call for Speakers Open: Predictive Technologies for Cybersecurity
Predictive Security World
- [agents] Deadline extended: [CFP] The First IEEE International Workshop on Smart Living with IoT, Cloud, and Edge Computing (SLICE 2018) Barcelona, Spain. April 23-26, 2018, Submission Deadline: January 31, 2018
vikas chouhan
- [agents] Deadline extended: [CFP] The First IEEE International Workshop on Smart Living with IoT, Cloud, and Edge Computing (SLICE 2018) Barcelona, Spain. April 23-26, 2018, Submission Deadline: January 31, 2018
vikas chouhan
- [agents] INTECH 2018
ijwa at
- [agents] KDD 2018 Call for Research and Applied Data Science Papers
trli at
- [agents] KDD 2018 Call for Research and Applied Data Science Papers
- [agents] CFP - Workshop on Services for Mobile Data Collection (MODAC2018)
ruediger.pryss at
Last message date:
Sun Jan 28 12:29:51 EST 2018
Archived on: Sun Jan 28 12:30:17 EST 2018
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