[agents] [Mycolleagues] Software Engg Symposiums & Workshop at ICCSA 2018(LNCS) 2-5July'18 Melbourne, Australia

Sanjay Misra sanjay.misra at covenantuniversity.edu.ng
Mon Jan 1 17:39:53 EST 2018

Request: May I kindly request you to submit your paper(s) and circulate the
following CFP in your department, software/Computer  engineering groups and
all interested researchers who may be potential authors.

Dear Colleagues

Sessions greeting and best wishes.

First and foremost, Please accept my heartiest wishes for new year-2018; I
pray to God almighty to bless you & your loved ones with health, wealth &

On this occasion I invite you to submit your research work  to 10th Int
Symposium on Software Engg Processes and Applications-2018,(Proceedings by
Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science) or 9th Int Symposium
Software Quality- 2018(LNCS in Springer), and 10th Int Workshop on Tools
and techniques in Soft Dev. Process 2018(Proceedings in Xplore( IEEE) ).
All the three events*, *will be held in conjunction with the 2018
International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA
2018-http://www.iccsa.org/ *)*) during July 2 - 5, 2018 in Melbourne,
Australia in collaboration with the Monash University, Australia.

Please visit the following site for more detail.

10th International Symposium on Software Engineering Processes and
Applications (SEPA)-2018 (Publication in LNCS by Springer):

510&copyownerid=3644    http://sepa.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/

9th International Symposium Software Quality- (ISSQ)-2018-Publish in LNCS
by Springer

http://sq.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/  http://www.iccsa.org/workshops

10th Int Workshop on Tools and techniques in Software Development
Processes(TTSDP)- 2018(Publication in IEEE Xplore ):

http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=59513  ,
http://ttsdp.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/  http://www.iccsa.org/workshops

If your paper is a theme paper and 10-16 pages long, belongs/related to
general area/applications of Software Engineering please submit it in
Software Engineering process and applications (SEPA 2018). If you are
working in any area related to quality issues of Software engineering ,
consider Software Quality (ISSQ 2018) for your submission. Further, if your
paper is a session paper which is short and up to 6 pages long (in IEEE
format), please select TTSDP 2018 for your submission.

The extended version (minimum 30% in technical content) of SEPA 2018, SQ
2018 and TTSDP 2018 papers will be accepted by Several Journals (all
SCOPUS/ESCI indexed Journal and the best paper in SCIE indexed Journal).

The website for submission is open on following link- *http://ess.iccsa.org/

*IMP-**While submitting to conference site, please select the one of below
tracks (see just below the abstract box) of your submission. Otherwise your
paper will be submitted in general track.  *

*"**10th International Symposium on Software Engineering Processes and

*"**8th International Symposium on Software Quality**"*

* "**10th International Workshop on Tools and Techniques in Software
Development Processes**"*

While submitting your paper don’t forget to select the proper

Hope and request for your contribution.

best regards

Sanjay Misra, Organizing Chair: SEPA 2017, ISSQ-2017, TTSDP-2017


(M.Tech.(In Software Engg-ML National Institute of Technology, India), PhD
(Information and Know Engg.- Uni of Alcala, Spain)

Prof of Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Information
Engineering, Covenant University, Nigeria http://covenantuniversity.edu.

Visiting/ Prof., UCV, Valparasio, Chile
Visiting Prof. University of Alcala, Spain
Visiting Prof. Atilim University, Turkey
Visiting Prof./Collaborative Researcher UNICEN, Tandil  Argentina
Visiting Prof. Federal University of Technology Minna

Editor In Chief:

Book series on “Advances in IT Personnel and Project Management
(AITPPM)” (IGI Global USA)


International Journal of Physical Sciences (Last IF: 0.540(2011))

Covenant J. of ICT(An official Journal of Covenant Uni.)

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