[agents] DSS workshop with SASO 2017

Akshay S.N Akshay.Narashiman at tudelft.nl
Tue Jun 20 08:37:14 EDT 2017

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                  Call for papers -- DSS 2017

      The 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
(DSS 2017)

In conjunction with 11th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and
Self-Organizing Systems (SASO),
             Proceedings appear in IEEE Digital Library

               September 18-22, 2017 in University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
                 CFP link: http://dss2017.inn.ac/

The emergence of pervasive and ubiquitous technologies together with social
media has resulted in unprecedented opportunities to reason about the
complexity of our society based on magnitudes of data. Embedded ICT
technologies mandate the functionality and operations of several
techno-socio-economic systems such as traffic systems, transportation
systems, Smart Grids, power/gas/water networks, etc. It is estimated that
over 50 billion connected smart devices will be online by the year 2020.
Moreover, social media provide invaluable insights about the complexity of
social interactions and how these interactions influence the sustainability
of several ICT-enabled techno-socio-economic systems. These observations
show that regulating online the complex systems of our nowadays digital
society is a grand challenge. Regulation concerns trade-offs such as the
alignment of technical requirements, e.g. robustness,
fault-tolerance, safety and security, with social or environmental
requirements, for instance, fairness in the utilization of energy
resources. The scale of nowadays data cannot tackle the challenge by itself
as data may convey ungrounded correlations and biased predictions. Smart,
autonomic and selfregulating mechanisms are required for filtering data
streams in real-time and transform them to valuable information based on
which intelligent adaptive decisions can be made in a decentralized fashion
under a plethora of operational scenarios.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
+ self-regulation
+ autonomic computing
+ pervasive/ubiquitous computing
+ Internet of Things
+ big data analytics
+ cloud computing
+ online policy-making
+ distributed systems
+ privacy & security
+ multi-agent systems
+ peer-to-peer systems
+ self-organization
+ adaptive mechanisms
+ complex systems & (social) networks
+ mechanism design & game theory
+ quality of experience

Application domains:
+ Smart Grids
+ power/gas/water networks
+ traffic systems
+ manufacturing systems
+ transportation systems
+ ambient-assisted living
+ social media/networks
+ mobile applications
+ disease spreading

Workshop Organizers
Evangelos Pournaras, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Akshay Uttama Nambi S.N., Microsoft Research Lab, India
Stefan Bosse, University of Bremen, Germany

Submission Instructions
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above
and other topics related to self-regulating systems. Submitted papers must
not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Please,
indicate clearly the corresponding authors and include up to 6 keywords and
an abstract of no more than 400 words. Submissions have to be formatted
according to the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide not
exceeding 6 two-column pages. Papers are submitted as PDF files via the
Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dss2017)

Key Dates
Paper submission deadline:  July 17, 2017
Paper notification:         July 30, 2017

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Mark Yao Utopus Insights Spinoff of Smarter Energy, IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center

Dr. Mark G. Yao is a Senior Research and Development member of Utopus
Insights. With more than 18 years both industrial and academic experience,
Dr. Yao’s research and development work focused on distributed,
event-driven and agent-based distributed computing system. He is also a
domain expert in networked intelligent sensor & actuator system,
Cyber-Physical System (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT). Prior join of Utopus
Insights, Dr. Yao was the research scientist and senior software architect
at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. He was the
IBM technical lead and solution architect for several join research project
sponsored by U.S. government department of energy, including
2010-2015 Pacifc Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project and 2007
Gridwise Olympic Peninsula Gridwise Testbed project. He was the original
designer and lead developer of Internet-scale Control System (iCS), a
framework of developing agent-based, event-driven and distributed control
system. He won numerous IBM Corporate Awards, Research Outstanding
Technical Achievement Awards, Outstanding Innovation Awards. Before his
career of industry research, Dr. Yao was adjunct professor and conducted
teaching and research in several universities in New York state. Dr. Yao
has Ph.D. of physics, with specialty of photonics & optoelectroincs.
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