[agents] [Extended deadline] AI & Multi-Agent at IEEE-AICCSA’2017 – Hammamet (Tunisia)

Mahdi Zargayouna hamza-mahdi.zargayouna at ifsttar.fr
Thu May 11 16:13:22 EDT 2017

14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017 

October 30th to November 3rd, 2017 

Hammamet, Tunisia 



The ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) is the premier conference covering all contemporary areas in computer systems and applications and hence it is an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and rapidly changing disciplines. AICCSA 2017, to be held in the lovely and highly vibrant city of Hammamet in Tunisia. We are pleased to invite you to submit original contributions to AICCSA’17 via the official submission system for the conference https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aiccsa2017 . This can include, technical and experimental, theoretical, conceptual, or a survey. All submissions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity. 

The Track 6: Advances in AI and Multi-Agent Systems encourages the submission of analytical, empirical, methodological, technological, and perspective papers in one of these topics (non-exhaustive list): 

    * Agent Theories and Models 
    * Agent-based simulation 
    * Distributed problem solving 
    * Communication, coordination and Argumentation 
    * Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 
    * Humans and Agents 
    * Learning and adaptation 
    * Mobile Agents 
    * Engineering Multi-Agent Systems 
    * Verification and validation of agent-based systems 
    * Self-organized systems 
    * Economic paradigms and game theory 
    * Multi-agent in cloud computing 
    * Multi-agent system, IoT and Smart Systems 
    * Mobile computing 
    * Ubiquitous computing 
    * AI & Security 
    * Data mining, Big data and multi-agent systems 
    * Wireless sensor networks and multi-agent systems 
    * Robotics 
    * Ambient systems 

Submissions Guidelines and PROCEEDINGS 

Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper must not exceed the stated length (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification. 

All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings, and be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. 

Submitted papers must include original work, and must not be under consideration for another conference or journal. Submission of regular papers must not exceed 8 pages and must follow the IEEE paper format. Please include up to 7 keywords, complete postal and e-mail address, and fax and phone numbers of the corresponding author. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. Submitted papers that are deemed of good quality but that could not be accepted as regular papers will be accepted as short papers. 

Important Dates: 

Main Conference / Symposium 

    * Paper Submission Due Date: May 30, 2017 
    * Notification to authors: July 17, 2017 
    * Camera-ready papers due: August 15, 2017 

Submission system 


Special Issues 

Selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit an extended version to selected journals. Further details will be made available at a later stage. 
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