[agents] [WS at ECAL2017] Call for papers: Developmental learning and representation building in human-robots and ambient intelligence systems

F. Armetta frederic.armetta at univ-lyon1.fr
Thu May 11 05:15:26 EDT 2017

*Call for contributions*

<https://liris.cnrs.fr/devl_hr/wiki/doku.php?id=start>*) ECAL'2017 Workshop*

*Developmental learning and representation building in human-robots and 
ambient intelligence systems*

/This workshop is organized as a joint event with //ECAL2017/ 
<https://project.inria.fr/ecal2017>/ Conference to be held in Lyon, 
France, 4–8 September 2017/.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in 
developmental learning and bio-inspired approaches for artificial 
cognitive systems and practitioners from digital industries, robotics 
and Ambient Intelligence systems, to exchange their knowledge and 
experiences regarding the question of building representations in 
human-robots and Ambient Intelligence Systems. The workshop’s aim is 
also to cross fertilize the exchanges between participants from 
different disciplines and sectors, around the progress of the state of 
the art in foundational theories and their potential transfer and 
deployment in applications in real world settings, with robots and 
Ambient Intelligence Systems. A particular attention will be given to 
steer the program towards bridging the gap between theory and practice. 
This event will be backed by the ANR Labcom project Behaviors.ai 
<http://hoomano.com/en/hoomano-liris-behaviors-ia/noredirect=en_US> (Project 
of a joint laboratory between the LIRIS-CNRS 
<https://liris.cnrs.fr/> laboratory and the Hoomano 
<http://hoomano.com/en/?noredirect=en_US> company). The aim of 
Behaviors.ai is to investigate new approaches of artificial 
intelligence, and more precisely developmental learning, to create new 
ways to interact with social robots to make them more empathetic and 
able to continuously learn as they interact in “real life” environments.

The focus of the workshop will be on the issue of autonomous 
“Representation building”, in artificial cognitive systems, through 
internal mechanisms, following bio-inspired approaches and developmental 
learning approaches, especially considering hybrid systems involving 
humans and artificial systems like robots or ambient intelligence systems.

The workshop topics of interest are (non-exhaustive list):

  * Co-construction of meaning between human artificial agents
    (robots/ambient system)
  * Abstracting representations from sensorimotor patterns to higher
    level cognitive capacities;
  * Bio-Inspired mechanisms for cognitive self-development;
  * Potential applications of developmental theories in robotics and
    ambient artificial intelligent systems
  * Knowledge transfer, transfer learning, representation sharing ..
  * Evolutionary approaches and mechanisms for cognitive development in
    artificial systems
  * ..

The program of the workshop will contain:

  * Sessions with a selection of presentations from submitted papers and
    invited papers addressing targeted topics.
  * A session dedicated to industrial presentations
  * A demonstration session: A selection of demos from submitted
    contributions to a call for demos and invited demos addressing
    targeted topics.
  * A panel session involving participants from Industry and Academia



*Scientific Organization Committee*

  * Salima Hassas <https://liris.cnrs.fr/salima.hassas>, LIRIS-CNRS
    University of Lyon 1, France */(Contact: salima dot hassas at
    univ-lyon1 dot fr )/*

  * Amélie Cordier
    <https://fr.linkedin.com/in/am%C3%A9lie-cordier-95611010>, Hoomano,
  * Stephane Doncieux <http://www.isir.upmc.fr/?op=view_profil&id=2>,
    ESIR-UPMC, France
  * Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni <http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/%7Eelfallah/>,
    LIP6, UPMC, France
  * Frank Guerin <http://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/f.guerin/pages/>,
    University of Aberdeen, Scotland (UK)
  * Bipin Indurkhya <http://www.ki.agh.edu.pl/en/staff/indurkhya-bipin>,
    AGH University, Poland
  * Leonardo Lana De Carvalho <http://lattes.cnpq.br/6068203278198301>,
    FIH / UFVJM, Brazil
  * Mathieu Lefort <http://liris.cnrs.fr/mathieu.lefort/>, LIRIS-CNRS
    University of Lyon 1, France
  * Georgi Stojanov <https://www.aup.edu/profile/gstojanov>, American
    University of Paris, France


*Important Dates*

  * Abstract submission : June 10, 2017
  * Full Paper or Demo Submission : June 15, 2017
  * Notification : July 20, 2017
  * Camera Ready due : July 31, 2017
  * Workshop date : September 4, 2017.


Submissions from both academia and Industry are welcome as far as the 
submitted content is relevant to the topic of the workshop. Research 
papers, experience reporting, position papers or demonstrations will all 
be considered by the scientific committee.

Submission format follows the guidelines of ECAL 2017 Conference 

Please note that submission link for the workshop is: 

- For */research or application papers/*, there are two options for 
submission: either full paper or extended abstract. Note that the format 
is exactly the same for both options. The differences reside in the 
number of pages and type of contents:

- Full papers have an 8-page maximum length and should report on new, 
unpublished work.

- Extended abstracts are limited to a 2-page length and can report on 
previously published work, with an emphasis on how the submission will 
contribute to enrich discussions and exchanges during the workshop.

*/- Industrial papers/* reporting successful experiences or challenging 
ongoing developments related to the workshop topic are particularly 
welcome and could be in either short format (2-page length limit) or 
long format (8-page length limit).

*/- Demonstrations/* related to one of the mentioned topics or other 
topics related to the general theme of the workshop, are also very 
welcome. A demonstration submission is limited to 6-page length, with a 
description of the addressed problem and the objectives of the 
demonstration, the demonstrated scenario and the main observations or 
results shown by the demonstration. A link to a video of the demo is 

Each submission should be uploaded as a single file, in PDF format only, 
to the Easy Chair system:


All submissions will undergo a detailed peer review process. Full papers 
will be reviewed for relevance, scientific quality, sound methodology 
and use of appropriate analysis techniques. Abstracts will be reviewed 
for relevance and quality. Both papers and extended abstracts will be 
considered for oral presentation, without distinction between full 
papers and extended abstracts. Accepted papers and extended abstracts 
will be combined in the workshop proceedings.

NOTE: At least one author of every accepted paper must be registered 30 
days prior to the conference, or the contribution will be withdrawn from 
the program and the proceedings.

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