[agents] Call For Papers: IJCAI-17 Workshop on Impedance Matching in Cognitive Partnerships (Papers due June 1, 2017)

Adrian Pearce adrianrp at unimelb.edu.au
Thu May 4 03:31:51 EDT 2017

Call For Papers: IJCAI-17 Workshop on Impedance Matching in Cognitive Partnerships (Papers due June 1, 2017)


Impedance Matching in Cognitive Partnerships will be hosted as an IJCAI-17 workshop, and will take place in Melbourne, Australia, August 21, 2017.

Important Dates

June 1, 2017 - Paper Submission Deadline (Extended)
Monday August 21, 2017 - Workshop Date


Human-Autonomy Teaming (HAT) describes situations where people cooperate with artificially intelligent autonomous agents to perform some function. Cognitive partnerships describe situations where humans and technical artefacts work together to solve problems or conduct research (Nersessian, Kurz-Milcke, Newstetter, & Davies, 2003). 

In a general sense, we can envision heterogeneous teams composed of autonomous participants each using either human or artificial intelligence. These relationships can take on different structures depending on the level of supervision the humans can exert and the level of intelligence and autonomy provided by the non-human agents. 

This workshop will explore cognitive partnerships among heterogeneous autonomous team members, whether they be human or artificial. People often struggle to work through the impedance mismatches caused by varying backgrounds, professional fields, and goals. The mismatches between human and technological artifacts bring their own challenges. These challenges are a critical area of research for the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Impedance mismatches affect such aspects of teamwork as trust mechanisms, cooperative learning, understanding the division of cognitive labour, alignment of goals, adaptability of policies and plans, the granularity of policies and plans, and team roles. We invite papers targeting any areas of impedance mismatch between humans and autonomous AI. 


Some of the specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Exchange of goals, domain knowledge, and beliefs about the current situation
* Trust and transparency in decision making
* Communication and planning at differing levels of abstraction
* Activity Recognition and Task Models
* Process Mining and Learning about Teammates
* Roles, strategies, and the division of labour
* Joint adaptation and the effects of adaptation on partnership 

Other relevant areas of interest include:
* Machine learning and other AI techniques supporting HAT and Cognitive Partnerships.
* Architecture and models supporting  HAT and Cognitive Partnerships.
* Multi-agent systems supporting  HAT and Cognitive Partnerships.

Organizing Committee

Douglas S. Lange (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific)
Luke B. Marsh (Defence Science and Technology Group)
Adrian R. Pearce (The University of Melbourne)

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