[agents] Leading fellow wanted for smart grid post-doc position Delft/Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Mathijs de Weerdt M.M.deWeerdt at tudelft.nl
Tue Feb 28 04:28:59 EST 2017

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in Computer Science and/or Economics from 2012 or later, who is interested in a two-year post-doc position on algorithms and mechanisms for the smart grid and/or mobility with Mathijs de Weerdt (Delft University of Technology) and Wolf Ketter (Erasmus University Rotterdam and Energy Economics Institute/University of Cologne).

Our aim is to support interested candidates to apply for funding by a LEADing fellowship, see http://leadingfellows.eu/

Please contact us for more information.

Best regards,
  Mathijs de Weerdt

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