[agents] Extended Deadlines for Papers/Demos COIN at AAMAS 2017 (17 Feb)

Vasconcelos, Prof. Wamberto W. w.w.vasconcelos at abdn.ac.uk
Wed Feb 8 12:40:15 EST 2017

-- begin CFP/CFD (extended deadline) -

Apologies for cross-posting.

Extended deadline for papers/demos for the International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms (COIN at AAMAS2017).

New deadline: 17 February 2017


A satellite event of AAMAS 2017, in Sao Paulo, Brazil

The workshop, a long-standing satellite event of past versions of AAMAS, IJCAI and ECAI for more than 10 years, aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) working on the scientific and technological aspects of social coordination, organisational theory, normative (multi-agent) systems, artificial or electronic institutions and norm-aware agents. COIN has a B-rating on the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE) conference ranking list (http://portal.core.edu.au/conf-ranks/2160/), and has a B4 rating by the Qualis ranking from CAPES/Brazil (http://qualis.capes.gov.br).

Papers: We invite contributions of papers on mathematical, logical, computational, philosophical and pragmatic issues related to coordination, organizations, institutions and norms, as well as modelling, animation and simulation techniques for open MAS, exploration of COIN topics in socio-technical systems, tools, prototypes and real-life systems adopting COIN-related approaches, experimental investigation of the effectiveness of COIN-related technologies, human-oriented representation and application of COIN-related topics (e.g., norms in natural language for humans, norms and coordination for practical planning), and challenging or innovative ideas relevant to the field. See https://coin-workshop.github.io/coin-2017-brazil/call_for_papers.html for more details.

Demos: We invite submissions of prototypes and demonstrators to be presented at the Demo Session during the COIN at AAMAS 2017 workshop. We expect submissions of tools as well as software agents and multi-agent systems incorporating state-of-the-art techniques and novel application domains from coordination, organizations, institutions and norms. The submitted software does not have to be ready for commercial application, but it should be of interest to the COIN community. See https://coin-workshop.github.io/coin-2017-brazil/call_for_demos.html for more details.

For submission of papers/demos, please use the EasyChair site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coin2017


Preliminary proceedings will be available before the conference. They will also be distributed to AAMAS 2017 registrants in electronic form. As with previous COIN workshops, we will have an LNCS post-proceedings. Authors will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their paper for consideration for a Springer LNCS volume combining the post-proceedings of this workshop with those for a second COIN workshop to be held later in 2017. Revised papers must take into account the discussion held during the workshop; hence, only papers that are presented during the workshop will be considered for inclusion in the post-proceedings volume.

-- end of CFP/CFD --

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