[agents] Workshop on agent-based models of Ethnocentrism and Diversity, Manchester 7/8 June

Bruce Edmonds bruce at edmonds.name
Sun Jan 29 15:06:47 EST 2017

Call for abstracts

Workshop: Beyond Schelling and Axelrod - Computational Models of
Ethnocentrism and Diversity
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
June 7th – 8th, 2017.

Workshop theme:

Ethnocentrism, a positive orientation towards those with the same ethnicity
and a negative one towards others, is widely observed in human societies.
Several seminal (computational agent-based) social simulation models show
how interactions between individuals emerge aspects of ethnocentrism such
as in-group bias based on ethnic markers (Hammond & Axelrod 2006); local
cultural homogeneity combined with global polarisation (Axelrod 1997); and
racial segregation (Schelling 1971). These models have influenced on-going
research that inherits similar frameworks and assumptions.

The workshop will spotlight on-going work influenced by, or in response to,
these modelling directions. In addition we welcome critical position
statements and critiques of the assumptions that such models embody, as
well as relevant empirical studies.

Important dates:

April 7th - abstract submission deadline (e-mail to dave at davidhales.com).
April 21st - acceptance notification.
June 7th & 8th - workshop event (two half-days: June 7th 1pm-5pm and
June 8th 9am-1pm).

Journal special issue:

After the workshop we plan to organise a special issue of a relevant
journal on the subject of the workshop including articles based on the best
presentations at the workshop. Also, depending on the outcome of the panels
and discussion, we may coordinate a collective position / review article to
accompany the special issue.


Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Metropolitan University (bruce at edmonds.name)
Laurence Lessard-Phillips, Institute for Research into Superdiversity,
University of Birmingham (L.Lessard-Phillips at bham.ac.uk).
David Hales, Manchester Metropolitan University (dave at davidhales.com)

Further details can be found at: davidhales.com/ethnosim2017


Axelrod, R. (1997) The dissemination of culture - A model with local
convergence and global polarization. Journal of Conflict Resolution,
Hammond, R.A. & Axelrod, R. (2006). The evolution of ethnocentrism. Journal
of Conflict Resolution, 50(6):926-936.
Schelling, T.C. (1971). Dynamic models of segregation. Journal of
Mathematical Sociology, 1:143-186


Bruce Edmonds
Centre for Policy Modelling
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School,
All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6BH, UK.
Tel. +161 247 6479  Fax. +161 247 6802

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