[agents] Call for Demos COIN at AAMAS 2017

Vasconcelos, Prof. Wamberto W. w.w.vasconcelos at abdn.ac.uk
Mon Jan 16 05:35:01 EST 2017


Apologies for cross-posting.

Call for Demos: International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms (COIN at AAMAS2017)


A satellite event of AAMAS 2017, in Sao Paulo, Brazil

The workshop, a long-standing satellite event of past versions of AAMAS, IJCAI and ECAI for more than 10 years, aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) working on the scientific and technological aspects of social coordination, organisational theory, normative (multi-agent) systems, artificial or electronic institutions and norm-aware agents. COIN has a B-rating on the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE) conference ranking list (http://portal.core.edu.au/conf-ranks/2160/), and has a B4 rating by the Qualis ranking from CAPES (http://qualis.capes.gov.br).

We invite submissions of prototypes and demonstrators to be presented at the Demo Session during the COIN at AAMAS 2017 workshop. We expect submissions of tools as well as software agents and multi-agent systems incorporating state-of-the-art techniques and novel application domains from coordination, organizations, institutions and norms. The submitted software does not have to be ready for commercial application, but it should be of interest to the COIN community.

A demo proposal should provide:
-   the motivation for the software/prototype;
-   the design behind the software/prototype;
-   the development process and main functionalities, using illustrative examples;
-   the significance of the software/prototype from a research and practical perspectives.

The COIN 2017 Demo Session will provide researchers and practitioners an exciting and highly interactive way to explore new ideas and results.

Submission Guidelines: the demonstration submissions must be up to 10 pages in Springer’s LNCS format (for preparation of papers please follow the instructions for authors on Springer’s Web pages). All papers must be written in English and submitted in PDF format. Submissions must include:
-   Title
-   Authors (name, affiliation, email, address, phone and fax)
-   Corresponding author with her/his email address
-   Abstract (max. 150 words)
-   Keywords
-   URL for the demo software (if available)
-   Equipment you will bring (e.g. laptop, projector)
-   Equipment you will need (e.g. table, poster board, power sockets)
-   Special requirements (e.g. extra space and if so how much, video projector)
-   Discussion of the current state of development of the demo (e.g. ready to demonstrate; if not, you must include an estimate for completion)

Demos must be submitted electronically to the EasyChair online submission system at:


Submission of a paper should be regarded as an agreement that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the workshop to present the work.

Accepted demo papers will be published in the COIN 2017 Workshop Proceedings. Preliminary proceedings will be available before the conference. They will also be distributed to AAMAS 2017 registrants in electronic form. As with previous COIN workshops, we will have an LNCS post-workshop proceedings. Authors will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their paper for consideration for a Springer LNCS volume combining the post-proceedings of this workshop with those for a second COIN workshop to be held later in 2017. Revised papers must take into account the discussion held during the workshop; hence, only papers that are presented during the workshop will be considered for inclusion in the post-proceedings volume.

Selection Criteria
-   Relevance to the COIN community
-   Novelty of the application domain
-   Technical advances and challenges
-   Quality and soundness of the underlying technology
-   Potential for public interaction
-   Overall attractiveness of the demonstrated system

Important Dates (all deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12)
-   February 7, 2017: Deadline for demo submissions
-   March 2, 2017: Demo notifications
-   March 9, 2017: Camera-ready copy due
-   May 8 or 9, 2017: Date of workshop


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