[agents] CFP :: Special Issue on the Design, Development and Use of Knowledge Artifacts in professional communities of practice on the Program Journal (Emerald)
Vizzari Giuseppe
viz at disco.unimib.it
Fri Dec 2 05:33:58 EST 2016
(Apologies for cross-posting)
CFP – Special Issue on the Design, Development and Use of Knowledge Artifacts in
professional communities of practice (on "Program").
Broadly meant, a Knowledge Artifact (KA) is any artifact purposely built to
support knowledge-related processes. With this term, therefore, a concrete
tool, either material or software, is denoted, as long as users can interact with it
on a physical level to various aims: to archive and get access to knowledge
sources; co-create knowledge with peers and colleagues; ratify and disseminate
it; share and exchange best practices and solutions; and last but not least, learn
(knowledge internalization). For this reason, KAs come in very different formats
and types: just to limit ourselves to the electronic KAs, i.e., what we denote as
Knowledge IT artifacts (to hint at those specific IT artifacts, i.e., applications and
software platforms, that specifically support knowledge creation and sharing),
examples include:
- decision support systems that convey the most pertinent items according to
the situation or the user requests, profiles and needs;
- on-line digital platforms enabling an aggregation of firms (a cluster, a
supply chain) to share valuable knowledge in order to achieve specific
strategic aims (such as internationalization, new product development, lean
- online wiki encyclopedias and manuals that represent objectively, if not
structuredly (e.g., ontologically) a body of specialist knowledge;
- multimedia learning software that integrate different content sources and
interactive techniques to have users develop both intellectual and practical
competencies on the basis of the knowledge embedded in the artifacts;
- amateur blogs and fora where novices can ask experts for advices or where
enthusiasts may share tutorials on how to do things by oneself.
This heterogeneity of artifacts reflects both the heterogeneity of the
application domains where knowledge must be computationally supported (R&D
departments in organizations, Teaching Institutions, Communities of Practice
and Communities of Knowledge) but also widely different design approaches and
perspectives in regard to what knowledge is, how to tap in it, how it
circulates in human communities, and which enterprise business models favour
extracting value from it.
In a recent literature survey (Cabitza and Locoro, 2014), best paper of the
KMIS 2014 conference, an extensive review of the heterogeneous body of
scholarly contributions that focus on the concept of KA has allowed to draw a
first interpretative and bottom-up framework to pinpoint the main KA design
poles: objectivity and situativity, seen as dimensions which can be present at
different degrees in each KITA: from the most model-based and AI driven ones,
where the effort of knowledge representation and formalization by the designers
is critical for the success of the final application; to those applications
that clearly adopt a more constructivist, pragmatic and collaboration-oriented
approach to knowledge support (including enterprise social media, and
wiki-based communities of peer experts). Obviously, other design-oriented
dimensions can be considered like interactivity, formality, tangibility. In
particular, the latter dimension allows to distinguish between software
applications and material, tangible objects that, nevertheless, enable
knowledge-sharing practices that could not be possible without their mediating
This call grounds on and extends two successful editions of the “International
Workshops on the Design, Development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in
professional communities of practice” (KITA) that were held in 2015 and 2016 as
co-located events of IC3K, the International Joint Conference on Knowledge
Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management in Lisbon and Porto
(Portugal) respectively. However, this call is open and aimed at collecting
more contributions from scholars that look at the phenomenon of the Knowledge
Artifact from different and complementary perspectives that are typical of
intersecting disciplines like CSCW, CSCL, IR, KR, HCI, AI, KM and IS.
Consequently, the topics of interest are the following ones:
- Knowledge Artifacts Design and evaluation
- Relationship btw Knowledge Management Technologies and IT Artifacts
- Relationship btw Knowledge Management and Collaborative-oriented
- Socio-Technical System Theory and Design
- Models, Theories and Methodologies of Knowledge, Collaboration and
- Knowledge and Data Visualization
- Knowledge Artifacts and Collaboration at the firm level in clusters and
supply chains
- Learning Technologies
- Business models enabled by Knowledge Artifacts
- Pragmatic Web
- Semiotic Engineering
- Digital fabrication
- DIY culture in the making economy
- Uncertainty representation and management in Knowledge Artifacts
- Knowledge artifacts and Big Data
- Human-Data Interaction
In particular, we are looking for contributions that could report on
experiences of either design of a KA, or of its use in the field. The most
appreciated efforts of the contribution would lie in describing the main
assumptions related to the nature of the knowledge that the KA at hand are
intended to manage or support; in characterizing the main objectives and goals
that motivate the KA designers and users; and in extracting both the
implications for design and lessons learnt from experience with KA that could
fit the interest of a multi-disciplinary community of scholars that we aim to
coalesce with this special issue.
In the hope of the guest editors, this special issue will collect the
foundations to develop a common ground and language by which the "Knowledge
Artifact" construct can become useful both to inform the design and to evaluate
the impact of knowledge-oriented technologies in the communities of practice
that adopt them and adapt them to their ever-evolving bodies of knowledge.
Important dates
- Paper submission: February 9, 2017
- Author Notification: April 19, 2017
- Camera-ready due: June 1st, 2017
- Special issue publication: August-September 2017
Review Process and Submission
• All manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed.
• Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the Program Journal
• Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they are original,
unpublished works and are not being submitted elsewhere
• Manuscripts should be submitted by February 9th 2017
• Please indicate clearly that your submission is for the
special issue on “Management of conflicts”
• Paper details: For each submission, three files are required:
o First file: manuscript title and names, institutional affiliation, contact
information for each of the authors, manuscript title and brief (100 word
maximum) biography of each of the authors.
o Second file: manuscript title and brief (250-300 words) abstract of the
o Third file: manuscript title followed by the text of paper.
• The paper should be count between 5000 and 10000 words in length, longer
papers could be considered if justified.
For any queries and to submit your proposition, contact one of the editors:
Federico Cabitza: cabitza at disco.unimib.it Angela Locoro:
angela.locoro at disco.unimib.it Aurelio Ravarini: aravarini at liuc.it
Author Guidelines Full papers should be from 5000 to 1000 words, included
references, tables, graphs, images and appendices. Guidelines and templates
available in the Emerald Web site
(http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/index.htm). All accepted papers
will be published in the special issue of the Emerald Program Journal
(available at http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=6989) and will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Citation Index (ISI), DBLP and Scopus.
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