[agents] second call -- CFP S4CIP17 @ IEEE EuroS&P 2017. Paris (France)
Stefano Marrone
stefano.marrone at unina2.it
Sun Nov 27 16:20:12 EST 2016
[apologies for cross-posting]
Dear colleagues,
We are proud to announce that our proceedings will be finally published
as a special IEEE proceedings for "IEEE EuroS&P Workshops"!
Pleaseforward to anyone that might be interested.
Best regards,
2nd International Workshop on Safety & Security aSSurance for Critical
Infrastructures Protection
Paris, France - 29th April 2017
Co-located with IEEE EuroS&P: 2nd European Symposium on Security and
Privacy (April 26-28, 2017)
Web: http://www.dimat.unina2.it/marrone/s4cip17.html
Modern society heavily relies on large, heterogeneous and complex
software-intensive systems to support all kinds of daily activities.
Services such as urban transportation, logistics, health-care, data
communication, railway, aerospace, and power distribution, to name a
few, are becoming more and more dependent on the availability of such
infrastructures. Any discontinuity of service may lead to serious
problems, from severe financial losses to fatalities or injuries; the
causes have different natures, either human errors, unexpected acts of
nature, or intentional attacks like sabotage. Safety and security (S&S)
assessments in critical infrastructures measure how these disruptions
are handled and what is the impact suffered by the critical
infrastructure under stress. These assessments are normally performed
using analytical or simulation-based techniques often addressing one
single specific aspect at a time rather than studying these
infrastructures in a holistic manner.
# Workshop topics
This workshop aims at providing a forum for people from academia and
industry to communicate their latest results on theoretical advances,
industrial case studies, practical scenarios, and lessons learned in the
assurance of S&S for critical infrastructures. Since the special
interest on S&S assurance, a special focus will be put on model-based
approaches; to the joint modelling and analysis of both cyber and
physical aspects of critical infrastructures; and to the definition of
unifying modelling and analysis methodologies. Research papers focused
on safety or security assurance only are also welcome.
The workshop is technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on
Homeland Security of IEEE SMC (Systems, Man & Cybernetics) society.
Topics of interests are, but not limited to:
* Methods and Methodologies: Vulnerability and Risk Assessment;
Model-Based Penetration Testing; Security Metrics Definition and
Evaluation; RAMSS Analysis; Crisis and Emergency Management; Unifying
Modelling Methodologies for Cyber and Physical Security; Resilience
* Modelling: Stochastic Modeling; Formal Methods; Domain Specific
Languages and Model-Driven Engineering; Multi-Level Hierarchical
Modeling; Multi-Paradigm Modeling.
* Analysis: Quantitative & Qualitative Evaluation; Interconnections
Among Non-Functional Aspects (e.g., Reliability vs. Safety, Security vs.
Performance); Multiformal and Multisolution Processes; Resilience Analysis.
* Domains: Cyber-Physical Systems; Critical Infrastructure Protection;
SCADA and Control Systems Security; Automotive; Homeland Security;
Transportation, Manufacturing, Energy, Health and Banking Applications;
Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructures.
# Important Dates
- Abstract Submission: December 9, 2016
- Paper submission deadline: December 12, 2016
- Notification to authors: January 18, 2017
- Camera-ready papers: February 8, 2017
# Paper Submission
Submitted papers will be reviewed by three members of Program Committee
(or their sub-reviewers) and selection of accepted papers will be based
on relevance, quality and originality.
Accepted papers will be published in a special IEEE proceedings for
"IEEE EuroS&P Workshops". At least one of the (co)author(s) of each
accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to
present the work.
PDF versions of papers should be submitted through EasyChair submission
system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=s4cip17).
After the conference, extended versions of selected contributions will
be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the International
Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems
(http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijccbs). Those papers will
undergo at least another review round.
# Page Limit and Formatting
Papers must not exceed 6 pages total (including the references and
appendices). Papers must be formatted for US letter (not A4) size paper.
The text must be formatted in a two-column layout, with columns no more
than 9.5 in. tall and 3.5 in. wide. The text must be in Times font,
10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing. Authors are
strongly encouraged to use the IEEE conference proceedings templates
(available at
LaTeX submissions should use IEEEtran.cls version 1.8b, dated
2015/08/26, in Compsoc Conference Mode:
\documentclass[compsoc, conference, letterpaper, 10pt, times]{IEEEtran}
Failure to adhere to the page limit and formatting requirements can be
grounds for rejection.
# PC Workshop Chairs
Stefano Marrone, Seconda Università di Napoli (Italy)
Ricardo J. Rodríguez, University of Zaragoza (Spain)
# PC Members
Simona Bernardi, Centro Universitario de la Defensa, University of
Zaragoza (Spain)
Tomas Bures, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Xiaolin Chang, Beijing Jiaotong University (China)
Ugo Gentile, CERN (Switzerland)
Francesco Flammini, IEEE (Italy)
Juan Felipe García, RIASC - University of León (Spain)
Stefano Marrone, Seconda Università di Napoli (Italy)
Roberto Nardone, Università di Napoli "Federico II" (Italy)
Ehsan Noroozinejad, Kerman Graduate University of Advanced Technology
Giuseppe Primiero, Middlesex University (United Kingdom)
Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas, Mälardalen University (Sweden)
Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Kristin Rozier, Iowa State University (USA)
Maria Spichkova, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia)
Kumiko Tadano, NEC Laboratory for Analysis of System Dependability
Stefano Tonetta, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy)
Catia Trubiani, Gran Sasso Science Institute (Italy)
Andre Weimerskirch, Lear Corporation (USA)
Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa (Israel)
Stefano Marrone, Ph.D.
assistant professor in Computer Engineering
Dip. di Matematica e Fisica, Seconda Università di Napoli (Italy)
skype: stefano.marrone.0
mob: +393402761871
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