[agents] Fwd: [Siksleden] seminar "activity selection" on December 6 (before PhD defence Gleb Polevoy)

Gleb Polevoy - EWI g.polevoy at tudelft.nl
Fri Nov 25 05:33:35 EST 2016

Dear all,

The defence seminar is below.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Siksleden] seminar "activity selection" on December 6 (before 
PhD defence Gleb Polevoy)
Date: 	Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:13:04 +0100
From: 	Mathijs de Weerdt <M.M.deWeerdt at tudelft.nl>
To: 	siksleden at cs.uu.nl

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to a special seminar in the morning of the 
PhD defence of Gleb Polevoy on December 6 with an invited talk on

"Group activity selection on social networks”

by Edith Elkind, Professor of Computing Science at the University of 
Oxford, UK.

This talk will take place at Elektron, 1st floor, EWI building, Delft 
(http://www.tudelft.nl/building36 ).


9:30 Welcome with coffee/tea
9:45 Layman talk by Gleb Polevoy (the same as at 12:00 before his defense)
10:00 Talk by Prof. Edith Elkind (Oxford)

Title: Group activity selection on social networks

Abstract: In group activity selection problems, each agent chooses an 
from the set of available activities; agent's preferences over 
activities are
determined by the nature of the activity itself and how many other players
engage in that activity. In this talk, we discuss the complexity of 
finding stable
assignments of activities, both in the standard model and when the set
of possible assignments is restricted by the social network among the 

Based on joint work with Andreas Darmann, Sascha Kurz, Jerome Lang, 
Joachim Schauer, Gerhard Woeginger, Ayumi Igarashi, Dominik Peters and 
Robert Bredereck

11:00 End

12:00 Layman talk by Gleb Polevoy
12:30 PhD defence Gleb Polevoy
Location: Aula Senaatszaal TU Delft, Mekelweg 5, Delft
Promotores: Prof.dr. C. Witteveen and Prof.dr. C. Jonker
Copromotor: dr. M.M. de Weerdt
Title: Participation and interaction in projects: a game-theoretic analysis

This seminar is supported by SIKS, http://www.siks.nl

We are looking forward to seeing you at the seminar and/or at the defence,
   Mathijs de Weerdt

PS: This announcement is sent through our department's list 
(all-st-ewi at tudelft.nl <mailto:all-st-ewi at tudelft.nl>), the 
agent-colloquium mailing list 
(https://mailman.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/listinfo/agent-colloquium ), the 
AI at TUDelft list (http://listserv.tudelft.nl/mailman/listinfo/ai ), and 
the SIKS mailing list 
(https://mail.cs.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/siksleden ). Please refer to the 
respective webpage(s) to manage your subscription.
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