[agents] ECAI 2016 newsflash: registration is open

Virginia Dignum - TBM M.V.Dignum at tudelft.nl
Mon May 30 04:10:10 EDT 2016

ECAI 2016 newsflash:

- Fee information and registration is online at http://www.ecai2016.org/location/

- Registration site also allows to book hotel at special prices

- Deadline for early fee is 5 July

- Members of European AI associations have a special fee, so people should consider becoming member of their associations (https://www.eurai.org/organisation/member-societies)

*** About ECAI ***
The biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is Europe's premier venue for presenting scientific results in AI. Under the general theme of "AI for human values", the 22nd edition of ECAI will be held in the city of The Hague, in sight the Peace Palace, seat of the International Court of Justice, a location highly appropriate to the conference theme. The conference dates are 29 August - 2 September 2016, with the workshops taking place on 29-30 August.

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet,

Dr. Virginia Dignum

TU Delft / Technology Policy and Management
Associate Professor
Office: TPM b3.200
Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands
Postbus 5015
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
T  +31 (0)15 27 88064
E  m.v.dignum at tudelft.nl<mailto:m.v.dignum at tudelft.nl>
W http://staff.tudelft.nl/en/M.V.Dignum

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