[agents] PhD Position in Human-Robot Teamwork @ Delft University of Technology

Koen Hindriks - EWI K.V.Hindriks at tudelft.nl
Mon Apr 25 05:56:05 EDT 2016

At Delft University of Technology, we are looking for a PhD candidate with a background in computer science/Artificial Intelligence, experience with semantic web languages and ontology design, and experience with human-robot interaction.

The PhD project is part of the EU project Long-Term Human-Robot Teaming for Robot-Assisted Disaster Response (TRADR; see http://www.tradr-project.eu/).

Using a human-centred design methodology, we develop decision support for human-robot teams to assist in disaster response efforts over multiple sorties during a mission. Semantic web technologies will be used to make the experience of the team persistent and to support establishing situation awareness within a team of human operators and robots over multiple, possibly asynchronous sorties. An ontological knowledge base and agent-based reasoning mechanisms are being developed to harmonise the team's work and information processes with the available human-robot resources and the dynamic context of these sorties.

The focus of the PhD will be on the development of tools to enhance team awareness and to support coordination of the human-robot team. Part of the work will therefore involve developing the display logic of a user interface for exchanging and sharing information within the team. The situational awareness tools and components will be integrated into the cognitive agent framework that supports coordination of the team. The goal of this work is to establish a more seamless interaction between robots and humans in human-robot teamwork situations.

Deadline for application May 31.

Please visit http://ii.tudelft.nl/?q=node/8201 for more information on how to apply.

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