[agents] IJDSN Journal (IF: 0.665) - LAST DAYS - S.I. on "Wireless Sensor Networks for Measuring the Impact of Human Activities over Different Environments"

Jaime Lloret Mauri jlloret at dcom.upv.es
Thu Apr 7 19:53:01 EDT 2016


International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN)

Special Issue "Wireless Sensor Networks for Measuring the Impact of Human Activities over Different Environments"


Deadline for manuscript submissions: April 10, 2016



Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are nowadays used in a wide variety of applications, such as military surveillance, scientific exploration, structural monitoring, and environmental monitoring applications, among others. These sorts of networks are complex systems whose correct operation mainly depends on the integration of physical sensors, computation processes, and communication between devices. Advances in smart device and sensor networks will drive innovation in important sectors such as energy efficiency, city/building design, healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing.

Moreover, human actions motivated by achieving various purposes cause side effects on our environment. While the intended effects are usually positive, at least for those who promote action, side effects can be positive but very often are negative. Some most basic actions of how we do our day-to-day routines are the following: the way people move around the city, how people get rid of your waste, excessive cultivation or exploitation of natural resources, misuse of electrical appliances, or celebrating holidays with music and pyrotechnics, among others, which can have a significant impact on our environment, whether natural, social environments, or on our heritage.

For these reasons and taking into account the advantages that WSNs offer, this special issue aims to focus on new proposals and developments of WSNs for monitoring and evaluating the impact of human activity on the environments that surround us. Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished research contributions to this special issue in relevant areas of WSNs, proposing new design concepts, architectures, and applications versus resource constraints and energy conservation.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

 - WSN issues and technologies for monitoring the effects of human behaviors on the environment
 - Design of energy-efficient WSNs, hardware, software, and systems for monitoring sensitive environments
 - Real-world case studies of WSNs where the effects of human behaviors are analyzed
 - WSNs data management
 - Prototyping of experimental WSNs and its test bench
 - Evaluation of WSNs in sensitive scenarios
 - WSNs for emergency response in natural/man-made disasters
 - New proposals of WSNs architectures
 - Efficient communication for WSNs architectures
 - WSN for sustainable human behaviors
 - Sustainable WSN for environmental sustainability

Authors can submit their manuscripts via the Manuscript Tracking System at:



Manuscript Due:        Sunday, 10 April 2016


Lead Guest Editor

Prof. Dr. Jaime Lloret Mauri  (jlloret at dcom.upv.es)
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Guest Editors

Dr. Sandra Sendra  (sansenco at posgrado.upv.es)
Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Dr. Danda B. Rawat (db.rawat at ieee.org)
Georgia Southern University, Georgia, USA

Dr. Kayhan Z. Ghafoor (kayhan at ieee.org)
Salahaddin University, College of Engineering, Kirkuk Road Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

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