[agents] Call for Papers, LRPP 2016

Pym, David d.pym at ucl.ac.uk
Sun Apr 3 14:27:40 EDT 2016

Call for Papers

Workshop on Logics for Resources, Processes and Programs
(LRPP 2016)

1 July, Coimbra, Portugal (affiliated with IJCAR 2016)


Deadline for paper submissions: 6 May 2016

A one day workshop on `Logics for Resources, Processes, and Programs'
will be held the 1st July 2016 in conjunction with the IJCAR 2016
Conference in Coimbra, Portugal, with D. Galmiche and D. Pym as co-chairs.

The purpose of this workshop would be to discuss recent results on
logics for modelling resources, processes, programs, and their
interactions in the context of the specification and verification of
programs and (communicating, distributed) systems. The workshop is
intended to provide a forum for discussion between researchers
interested in topics  including, but not limited to, the following

- logics and semantics for reasoning about resources, processes, and
- modal, epistemic, and deontic logics for reasoning about resources,
  processes, and programs;
- languages and methods for specification and verification of
  distributed and concurrent systems;
- theorem proving and model checking in resource logics, including
  decision procedures, strategies, and complexity results;
- tools, methodologies, and foundations for resource-management,
  decision-making and strategic reasoning;
- applications to security, including reasoning about access control,
  policies, and protocols, where resource management is a critical

We envisage a range of perspectives: proof-theoretic foundations,
including decidability  and complexity; model-theoretic, including
semantic foundations (e.g., new resource semantics);  specification of
properties and behaviours; and verification and analysis of programs
and systems. Of increasing importance in these areas are connections
with concepts of agency, strategy, and utility,  with applications to
decision-making and policy formulation. We therefore particularly
encourage  submissions employing ideas from epistemic logic, game
theory, and utility theory and their inter-relationships.


Researchers interested in presenting their works are invited to send an
extended abstract (up to 10 pages, 11pt, llncs style) by e-mail submission
(with the subject line ``LRPP 2016 submission'') of a PDF file, to D. Galmiche
(Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr<mailto:Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr>) and D. Pym (d.pym at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:d.pym at ucl.ac.uk>)  by 6 May, 2016.

Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of
the Programme Committee.

Additional information will be available through WWW address:

Hardcopies of the preliminary proceedings will be distributed at the
workshop and a Special Issue of a Journal on these topics is expected
after the workshop.


P. Balbiani (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
J. Brotherston (University College London, UK)
L. Caires (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
I. Cervesato (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar Campus)
D. Galmiche (LORIA - UL, Nancy, France; co-chair)
R. Goré (Australian National University, Australia)
M. Hennessy (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
G. McCusker (University of Bath, UK)
D. Méry (LORIA - UL, Nancy, France)
D. Pym (University College London, UK; co-chair)
A. Silva (University College London, UK)
L. Vigano (King's College London, UK)


Submissions:  6 May, 2016
Notifications: 23 May, 2016

Workshop date: 1 July, 2016


E-mail: Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr<mailto:Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr> and d.pym at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:d.pym at ucl.ac.uk>

Professor of Information, Logic, and Security
Head of Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification
University College London

d.pym at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:d.pym at ucl.ac.uk>

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