[agents] Call for Participation: April 18-19, Workshop Responsible Intelligent Systems in Perspective; where Computer Science, Philosophy and Legal Theory meet

Jan Broersen J.M.Broersen at uu.nl
Wed Mar 30 06:16:40 EDT 2016

Workshop Responsible Intelligent Systems in Perspective; where Computer 
Science, Philosophy and Legal Theory meet

Workshop webpage: http://tiny.cc/dt8day

Our tendency to delegate responsibilities to machines (self-driving 
cars, algorithmic trading, military drones, autonomous surveillance 
systems, etc.) leads to pressing questions that call for answers from an 
interdisciplinary perspective. Computer scientists can contribute by 
studying how to design responsible AI, but they first need to know 
exactly what is meant by that. Philosophers may be able to tell them 
what responsibility is, but may find it hard to operationalise their 
insights in such fundamental topics as action, freedom, ethics, norms, 
and reasons. And that is where legal theorists may be of help, as they 
are used to think about the relation between abstract notions like 
fairness, justice, duty, excuse, complicity, causality and their 
concrete reflections in the rules of law.

On April 18-19 2016, we organise an interdisciplinary workshop where we 
bring together researchers from Philosophy, Computer Science and Legal 
Theory to exchange views on the subject of responsible intelligent systems.


Monday 18 April

9:00 Coffee

9:30 Opening: Jan Broersen & group, The REINS-project

10:25 Short Coffee Break

10:40 Bruce Chapman (Toronto, Canada, Legal Theory and Philosophy), TBA 

11:35 Long Coffee Break

12:05 Thomas Müller (Konstanz, Germany, Philosophy), When does an 
artificial system act?

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Franz Dietrich (Paris, France, Economy and Philosophy), What 
matters and how it matters: a choice-theoretic representation of moral 

14:55 Short Coffee Break

15:10 Thomas Ågotnes (Bergen, Norway, Information Science), From 
Distributed to Common Knowledge

16:05 Long Coffee Break

16:35 John Horty (Maryland, US, Philosophy and Computer Science), TBA

17:30 End

18:30 Workshop dinner

Tuesday 19 April

9:00 Coffee

9:30 Marija Slavkovik (Bergen, Norway, Computer Science), TBA

10:25 Short Coffee Break

10:55 Michael Fischer (Liverpool, UK, Computer Science), TBA

11:50 Long Coffee Break

12:05 Giovanni Sartor (European University Institute Florence, Italy, 
Legal Theory and Computer Science), The Autonomy of Technological 
Systems and Responsibilities for their Use

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Henry Prakken (Groningen en Utrecht, Netherlands, Computer Science 
and Legal Theory), Responsible intelligent systems and AI & Law

14:55 Short Coffee Break

15:10 Ugo Pagallo (Turin, Italy, Legal Theory and Computer Science), TBA

16:05 Long Coffee Break

16:35 Marek Sergot (Imperial College London, UK, Computer Science), TBA

17:30 Closing

Attendance is free and open to all academics. To enable us to estimate 
how much coffee and sandwiches we have to order, we would be happy if 
you let us know if you plan to come by sending an email to 
H.W.A.Duijf at uu.nl with the subject “Attendance REINS workshop”. Please 
mention your name and affiliation so that we can make a name tag for you 
to wear at the workshop.

Venue: Boothstraat 7, Utrecht, Kerkzaal

Website with the latest updates: http://tiny.cc/dt8day

-Jan Broersen, Hein Duijf, Jesse Mulder

------- Jan Broersen ----------- Theoretical Philosophy Group -
- www.uu.nl/hum/staff/JMBroersen ---- Utrecht University ------
---- tel: +31 302532761 -------------- Janskerkhof 13 ---------
---- fax: +31 302534619 ------------- 3512 BL UTRECHT --------

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