[agents] Fwd: Ph.D. student position at TU Delft

Michael Kaisers michaelkaisers at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 29 05:26:25 EST 2016

Vacancy for a Ph.D. student position at TU Delft, in the area of
multi-agent systems and sustainable energy sources, for the project:

  Decentralised control for renewable energy sources by
  fast market-based multi-agent systems

The full project description can be found on:

The project is part of a large European project, INCITE, please see
and for application, please see

INCITE (Innovative controls for renewable source integration into smart
energy systems) is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network
project (ITN-ETN) funded by the EU HORIZON 2020 Programme.


The objective of this project is to develop fast, market-based control
approaches in multi-agent systems as well as strategies and decision
modules of agents that can act on a time scale of at most seconds or in
fractions of these, for control in grids with numerous and heterogeneous
RES (renewable energy sources), owned by different parties. As a
consequence, the solutions designed need to:
1. contain a type of market mechanism for which the allocation or
adjustment of generation per party is computed efficiently, i.e. in at
most seconds;
2. have this market mechanism in order to regulate the overall power
injected into the grid in an effective way, yielding stable behaviour
of the grid as well as optimization of the electricity production;
3. can be computed efficiently by individual agents, especially
regarding the agent strategies for acting in these markets and
controlling their local generation; and,
4. have a low communication complexity within the agent system.

- Modelling smart grids with numerous, heterogeneous RES owned by
different parties, for control purposes.
- Developing fast and efficient control strategies using market-based
agent systems that can act on a time scale of at most seconds.
- Developing agent strategies and agent decision modules that can act
in these markets in fractions of these time scales.

Further information:

prof. Han La Poutre, TU Delft
email: J.A.LaPoutre at tudelft.nl

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