[agents] Summer School on Computational Social Choice, San Sebastian, 18-22 July 2016

Ulle Endriss ulle.endriss at uva.nl
Wed Feb 10 07:01:34 EST 2016

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                   * * * Call for Participation * * *


       Palacio Miramar, San Sebastian / Donostia, 18-22 July 2016

                   Application deadline: 5 April 2016
             Website: http://tinyurl.com/comsoc-school-2016


Computational social choice is an interdisciplinary research area at
the interface of social choice theory and computer science, promoting
an exchange of ideas in both directions. On the one hand, it is
concerned with the application of techniques developed in computer
science, such as complexity analysis or algorithm design, to the
study of social choice mechanisms, such as voting rules or fair
division procedures. On the other hand, it is concerned with importing
concepts from social choice theory into computing. This summer school
will provide an in-depth introduction to computational social choice,
covering the topic from the perspectives of economics, mathematics,
and computer science.

The programme will consist of tutorials by seven leading researchers
in the field, and also offer participants the opportunity to present
their own work in a poster session.

The summer school is organised by Ulle Endriss (Amsterdam), Elena
Inarra (Bilbao), Annick Laruelle (Bilbao), and Jerome Lang (Paris),
as an activity of COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice
(http://www.illc.uva.nl), with additional support provided by the
Urrutia Elejalde Foundation and the University of the Basque Country.


- Mathematics of Voting / William S. Zwicker (Union College)
- Preferences in Voting / Edith Elkind (Oxford)
- Strategic Behaviour in Voting / Reshef Meir (Technion)
- Proportional Representation / Friedrich Pukelsheim (Augsburg)
- Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods / Nicolas Maudet (Paris)
- Matching Theory / Katarina Cechlarova (Kosice)
- Judgment Aggregation / Umberto Grandi (Toulouse)


All participants are invited to present their own work during a poster
session at the summer school. We are particularly interested in work
in progress. If interested, you will need to submit a short abstract
at the time you apply for the school.


The summer school is specifically intended for PhD students conducting
research or planning to conduct research in computational social
choice or a related field, but Postdocs, advanced Master's students,
and other interested individuals are also very welcome. Visit the
summer school website to find out how to apply. We can accept up to
50 applicants. The application deadline is Tuesday, 5 April 2016.

The registration fee is EUR 60, which thanks to the generous support
of the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation will be waived upon request. This
fee covers both the scientific and the social programme, as well as
some meals. Participants need to finance accommodation and travel

COST Action IC1205 will provide scholarships, which should cover most
of your accommodation and travel expenses, for at least half of all
accepted participants. Whether you are eligible for such a scholarship
depends on your affiliation. Almost everyone studying or working in
Europe is eligible, but unfortunately we cannot offer financial
support (besides access to the heavily subsidised summer school
itself) to participants from outside of Europe. Please refer to the
website for the precise eligibility criteria.


For enquiries regarding local arrangements, contact Annick Laruelle at
annick.laruelle at ehu.eus. For enquiries regarding your application,
contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at uva.nl.

Please send your application to cost.ic1205.school.2016 at gmail.com,
after having carefully studied the instruction given on the website.
We will confirm receipt of your application within one week. Decisions
will be made and communicated by 20 May 2016.


Ulle Endriss         http://www.illc.uva.nl/~ulle/
Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam    Tel: +31 (0)20 525 6511
Postbus 94242              Fax: +31 (0)20 525 5206
1090 GE Amsterdam (NL)     Email: u.endriss at uva.nl

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