[agents] Call for Chapters: Springer Book on Robot Operating System (Volume 2)

Anis Koubaa (COINS) akoubaa at coins-lab.org
Sat Feb 6 23:14:32 EST 2016


I am happy to announce the call for chapters
<http://events.coins-lab.org/springer_ros_book_v2.html>  for the Springer
Book on Robot Operating System (ROS) Volume 2 is now open.
Website: http://events.coins-lab.org/springer_ros_book_v2.html

The book will be published by Springer.

We look forward to receiving your contributions to make this book successful
and useful for ROS community.

In Volume 1 <http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319260525> , we accepted 27
chapters ranging from beginners level to advanced level, including
tutorials, case studies and research papers. The Volume 1
<http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319260525>  is expected to be released
by Feb 2016.
After negotiation with Springer, the authors have benefited of around 80% of
discount on hardcopies as an incentive to their contribution, in addition to
publishing their work.

The call for chapters website (see above) presents in detail the scope of
the book, the different categories of chapters, topics of interest, and
submission procedure. There are also Book Chapter Editing Guidelines
that authors need to comply with.

In this volume, we intend to make a special focus on unmanned aerial vehicle
using ROS. Papers that present the design of a new drone and its integration
with ROS, simulation environments of unmanned aerial vehicle with ROS and
SITL, ground station to drone communication protocols (e.g. MAVLink, MAVROS,
etc), control of unmanned aerial vehicles, best practices to work with
drones, etc. are particularly sought.

In a nutshell, abstracts must be submitted by February 15, 2016 to register
the chapters and to identify in advance any possible similarities of chapter
contents. Full chapters submission is due on April 20, 2016.
Submissions and the review process will be handle through EasyChair.


Each chapter will be reviewed by at least three expert reviewers, one at
least should be a ROS user and/or developer.

Want to be a reviewer for some chapters?
We look for the collaboration of ROS community users to provide reviews and
feedback about proposals and chapters to be submitted for the book. If you
are interested to participate in the review process, please consider filling
in the following reviewer interest form
o/viewform> . 

We look forward to receiving your contribution for a successful ROS

Anis Koubaa, PhD., 
Senior Fellow of the HEA (SFHEA)
ACM Chapter Chair (Saudi Arabia)
Associate Professor
Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
Research Associate


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