[agents] Call for papers: 2nd International Workshop on Big Data and Cloud Computing For Future Sensor Networks (FSN)

Nabil Sahli nabil.sahli at gutech.edu.om
Mon Jan 25 03:17:14 EST 2016

------------------------ Call for Papers --------------------------------------

2nd International Workshop on Big Data and Cloud Computing For Future Sensor Networks (FSN)
in conjunction with The 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications  (FNC 2016)
August 15-18, 2016
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Although Sensor Networks have several limitations in terms of memory, computation, energy, and communication,
they have to manage large volume of data that they collect from the surrounding environment. For the last few years,
researchers have been actively trying to optimize data collection, processing and transfer.

Nevertheless, the increasing requirements for real-time processing and storing of the collected data are rising up the need for
a powerful and scalable high-performance computing and massive storage infrastructure.

With the emergence of cloud computing and big data, significant amounts of computation and data have been offloaded from data
centres and personal devices while offering more scalability, flexibility, and economy. The integration of sensor networks with
cloud computing and big data looks thus very attractive for more performant sensor networks. This integration may raise many
research and practical challenges such as event processing and management, real time data processing, and large scale computing

The aim of this workshop is to gather latest research breakthroughs in using cloud computing and big data paradigms to develop
better sensor networks. The workshop will gather leading researchers from academics and industry to present new ideas, original
research results and practical development experiences.

Authors are invited to submit original technical papers (theoretical or application) covering but not limited to the topics of
interest listed below:

   - Computation and storage in Sensor Networks
   - Data analysis and mining in Sensor Networks
   - Distributed algorithms for data and computation placement in Sensor Networks
   - Big data analytics in large sensor networks
   - Big data mining and processing in sensor networks
   - Efficient sensor data dissemination
   - Mining big data collected from large-scale smartphone sensing deployments
   - Secure and remote management of sensor networks
   - Sensor data streaming via cloud computing system
   - Sensor cloud systems for remote and real-time monitoring
   - Architecture for sensor-cloud
   - Models for sensor-cloud
   - Design and integration of sensor-cloud systems
   - Sensor-Cloud Applications
   - Future directions of big data/Cloud Computing in Sensor Networks development

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: March 27, 2016
Author Notification: May 14, 2016
Camera Ready: June 14, 2016

Submission Instructions:

Authors are requested to submit papers reporting original research results. The page limit for papers should not exceed 6 pages including all figures, tables and references.
Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines of Procedia Computer Science, MS Word Template, Latex, Elsevier.
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically in PDF format. The submission processes will be managed by https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fsn2016 If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking "I have no EasyChair account" button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the submission due date.
Authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to an International Journal (to be added soon)

accepted papers will be published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and by Thomson Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation Index (http://thomsonreuters.com/conference-proceedings-citation-index/). The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. All accepted papers will also be indexed in DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to present the work.

Program Co-Chairs
   - Nafaâ Jabeur, German University of Technology, Sultanate of Oman (nafaa.jabeur at gutech.edu.om)
   - Nabil Sahli German University of Technology, Sultanate of Oman (nabil.sahli at gutech.edu.om)

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