[agents] 2nd CFP: EMAS at AAMAS2016 (Engineering Multi-Agent Systems)

Matteo Baldoni baldoni at di.unito.it
Mon Jan 18 15:53:25 EST 2016

              4th International Workshop on
        Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2016)
                Singapore, 9/10 May 2016

           (held in conjunction with AAMAS 2016)


EMAS  2016 aims to gather researchers and practitioners in the do
mains of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE),  Programming
Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS), and Declarative Agent Languages and
Technologies  (DALT)  to  present  and discuss their research and
outcomes in  MAS engineering. The  purpose of this workshop is to
facilitate  the  cross‐fertilization of ideas and  experiences in
the various fields tofurther our  knowledge  in  MAS  engineering
and  improve  the  state-or-the  art;  define research directions
that are useful to practitioners; and encourage  practitioners to
use established  methodologies for the development of large-scale

The  EMAS workshop has been held as part of AAMAS since 2013  and
was  affiliated to AAMAS through AOSE, ProMAS, DALT since its in-
ception. EMAS 2016 will appeal to any researcher and practitioner
who is interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of MAS

I M P O R T A N T   D A T E S

Paper submission deadline: 1 February 2016
Notification of authors:  7 March 2016
Camera-ready copies due: 10 March 2016

T O P I C S   O F   I N T E R E S T

The EMAS workshop  welcomes any aspect of the engineering of mul-
ti-agent systems. The list of areas  includes but is not  limited

    * MAS software engineering processes, methodologies and
    * Programming languages for MAS
    * Formal methods and declarative technologies for the
      specification, validation and verification of MAS
    * Development Tools
    * Experience reports

For more details, visit: http://www.utdmavs.org/emas2016/

S U  B  M  I  S  S  I  O  N    I  N  S  T  R  U  C  T  I  O  N  S

We welcome and encourage the submission of high-quality, original
papers, which are not being submitted simultaneously for publica-
tion elsewhere.  Papers  should be formatted according to the Sp-
ringer LNCS style and not exceed 16 pages.


All accepted papers will be published in  the  Workshop  proceed‐
ings. In addition, a select number of high‐quality papers will be
considered for publication in the workshop  post‐proceedings.  In
previous  years,  the  EMAS  post‐proceedings  were  published by
Springer‐Verlag in the Lecture Notes in  Artificial  Intelligence
(LNAI) series.


The   most   visionary   paper will be published by Springer in a
book  under the  Lecture  Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
Hot Topics series. The book will be a compilation of the most vi-
sionary papers of the AAMAS 2016 Workshops, where one paper  will
be  selected  from  each  AAMAS-2016 workshop.  Additionally, the
  best  paper will be published by Springer in a  book  under  the
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.
The  book will be a compilation of the  best  papers  of  the  AA
MAS-2016 Workshops,  where  one paper will be selected from  each
AAMAS-2016 workshop.

W O R K S H O P   O R G A N I Z E R S

* Matteo Baldoni (University of Torino, Italy)
* Jörg P. Müller (Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany)
* Ingrid Nunes (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)
* Rym Zalila‐Wenkstern (University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA)

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