[agents] 2nd CFP: Artificial Life and Intelligent Agents (ALIA) 2016

Peter Lewis p.lewis at aston.ac.uk
Tue Dec 22 13:12:35 EST 2015

***  ALIA -- Artificial Life and Intelligent Agents --  2016  ***

***  Call For Papers and Demos  ***

  We invite you to submit papers to ALIA 2016, the Second International
  Symposium on Artificial Life and Intelligent Agents.


*** Important Dates ***

  4th March 2016       -     Deadline for submissions (via Easychair).
  13th May 2016        -     Authors receive reviews and decisions.
  14th-15th June 2016  -     ALIA 2016, Aston University, UK.
  July 2016 (tbc)      -     Camera-ready deadline for post-proceedings.

*** About ALIA ***

  ALIA is a vibrant event which aims at bringing together researchers
  from the artificial life and intelligent agents communities, which
  have significant scope for cross-pollination of ideas and techniques.

  ALIA will showcase high quality research and facilitate discussion
  aimed at fostering collaboration, providing feedback on early stage
  work and identifying new research directions. This will be
  complemented by keynote talks by internationally renowned experts,
  demo and poster sessions and a PhD workshop. ALIA 2016 will be a
  two-day event held at Aston University in central Birmingham in the
  UK, on the 14th and 15th June 2016.

  We invite the submission of full papers, short position papers and
  demos. Full papers should describe relevant novel work, and should be
  no more than 14 pages in total. Short position papers are limited to 6
  pages and should present research directions and questions based on
  early-stage work, and are an ideal way to obtain feedback on your
  ideas from the wider community. Demos should be submitted as summary
  papers limited to 4 pages, and will be presented during a dedicated
  demo session. All papers should be set in Springer LNCS style,
  guidelines for which can be found here:

  All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by at least three members
  of the Programme Committee. ALIA offers a post-proceedings model for
  publication, where authors of accepted papers are invited first to
  present their paper at the symposium. Following the event, authors are
  then invited to revise their papers for the post-proceedings, in line
  with their peer reviews as well as feedback from the event itself.
  As previously, accepted papers will be published by Springer (subject
  to final confirmation).

  More information can be found at the symposium's home page:


*** Topics ***

  ALIA solicits papers on topics of interest to researchers and
  practitioners in artificial life and intelligent agents, including but
  not limited to:

  Autonomous Robotic Systems
  Bio-inspired and evolutionary robotics
  Learning, adaptation, evolution
  Cellular automata
  Embodied interactive systems
  Agent behaviour and learning
  Swarm intelligence
  Artificial Societies
  Agent-based simulation
  Non-Player Characters in games and simulations
  Collective intelligence
  New models and sources of inspiration
  Dynamics of evolutionary and swarm systems
  Evolutionary computation
  Evolutionary and artificial life-based art
  Artificial ecosystems and ecology-inspired systems
  Methodologies and tools
  Theory of life, agency, self-awareness and consciousness
  Socio-technical and hybrid human-agent systems
  Verification and validation of agent-based systems
  Agent communication and cooperation
  Methodologies for the teaching of ALIA subjects
  Applications to games and the creative sector
  Application of high performance and cloud computing to ALIA research areas
  Ethical issues in artificial life and socio-technical agent-based systems
  Software engineering for artificial life and intelligent agents
  Artificial life-based software engineering

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