[agents] CfP: CREAS at AAMAS2016 - 1st International Workshop on Creative Agents

Roberto Confalonieri confalonieri at lsi.upc.edu
Wed Dec 2 03:27:05 EST 2015

** apologies for cross-posting **

************************CREAS 2016 – CALL FOR PAPERS**********************
           *1st International Workshop on Creative Agents*

          Co-located with the International Conference on 
        Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016)
                     9-10 May 2016, Singapore


 *Organising Committee*

Manfred Eppe, ICSI, Berkeley, USA
Marco Schorlemmer, IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Alison Pease, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Roberto Confalonieri, IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

*Important Dates*

Paper Submission Deadline:       1st Feb, 2016
Notification of Acceptance:          7th March, 2016
Camera Ready Submission:       10th March, 2016
Conference:                                 9-13th May, 2016

*Workshop Description and Relevant Research Areas*

Problem solving and collaboration are clearly creative processes, so it seems very reasonable to formalise and to apply cognitive theories about creativity in agent systems to improve problem solving and collaboration capabilities. The goal of this workshop is to provide a venue for contributions that take this creative perspective, and that improve the capabilities of single- and multi-agent systems by using creative methods.

We envision approaches that are driven by cognitive theories about creativity to improve agent reasoning, problem solving and collaborative behaviour. We also envision approaches that focus on producing arts, and on proving and indicating correctness of cognitive theories about creativity by simulating them in an artificial single- or multi-agent environment. We hope that contributions in this field shed light on the following questions: “What is the role of creativity in problem solving and collaboration?”, and also “What is the role of problem solving and collaboration in creativity?”

We invite researchers to submit fresh or preliminary ideas about all aspects of creativity in agent systems. We welcome contributions with a neuronal connectionist background as well as those that focus more on logical symbolicist theories. We especially encourage also hybrid approaches, with the aim to foster an interdisciplinary discussion and cross-fertilisation between the two communities.

Workshop topics include, but are not limited to: 
* Computational creativity for problem solving, including action planning, cognitive robotic programming and BDI systems. 
* Social aspects of creativity, including creativity in agent collaboration and communication. 
* Creativity in learning agents, including the role of creativity for reward in reinforcement learning, inductive learning, and classification. 
* The relation between embodiment and creativity. 
* Cognitive agent frameworks. 
* Conceptual blending and concept invention. 
* Creative robots. 
* Assessment and evaluation of creativity, including contributions that address the question about when an agent is creative. 
* Improvisation and spontaneous failure recovery via creative acting. 
* Emotionality and serendipity in agent systems. 
* Relation between self-awareness and creativity in agent systems. 
* Creativity in the context of belief, desire and intention. 
* Creative agents in the web and in the cloud. 
* Agent-based systems that address creativity in music, poetry, visual arts, design, dance, programming and mathematics. 
* The role of creativity for self-organisation. 
* Creative argumentation. 
*Workshop Format and Publication Details* 

The workshop is designed as a full day workshop with invited talks by keynote speakers and presentations of peer-reviewed papers and demonstrations. We accept three kinds of contributions: 1. Full research papers (max. 8 pages), where we expect original and novel contributions in the field. 2. Position papers (max. 4 pages), which are are intended to shape the scope of young research projects, and to discuss preliminary results with the community. 3. Demonstrations (accompanied by an extended abstract of approximately 1-2 pages). Demonstrations can use any kind of multimedia, e.g., video, audio or both. Live systems, software demos and and robotic applications are also highly encouraged. 
Submissions should be formatted in the same ACM proceedings style that is used at the AAMAS conference, as described here: http://sis.smu.edu.sg/aamas2016?itemid=10111. Papers should be submitted as pdf file via easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=creas2016. 

*Visionary Paper and Best Paper Award* 

Two workshop papers will be selected for publication in two Springer books: 1) The most visionary paper will appear under Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) – Hot Topics series 2) The best workshop paper will be published under Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series Should a position paper or a system demo be awarded, authors will be asked to submit an extended full paper version of their work.

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