[agents] [Mycolleagues] Early Call for Papers ICCTICT 2016, March 11 - 13, 2016 New Delhi, INDIA

Rinkaj Goyal rinkajgoyal at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 11:49:42 EDT 2015

Early Call for Papers


1st International Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and
Communication Technologies

(Technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section (INDIA))

March 11 - 13, 2016
New Delhi, INDIA



ICCTICT 2016 will provide an open forum to the academicians, engineers,
industry professional and research scholars to discuss the recent
innovations, challenges and experience in the field of ICT. The conference
emphasizes the current and emerging ICT practices and challenges for future
research. It will have four tracks and the deliberations will be in the
form of accepted paper presentations, keynotes and invited talks.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference
proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital library for publication.

The broad areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

*Machine Learning and Optimization*

   - Data & Knowledge Engineering
   - Digital Image Processing
   - Evolutionary Optimization
   - Information Theoretic Learning
   - Intrusion Detection/Prevention Techniques
   - Multi Agent Systems
   - Multimedia Technologies
   - Optimization Technique

*Software Engineering*

   - Data Warehousing Systems
   - Empirical Software Engineering
   - Formal Methods
   - Human-Computer Interaction
   - Search-Based Software Engineering
   - Software Economics and Metrics
   - Software Evolution and Maintenance
   - Software Reuse
   - Software Testing and Analysis
   - Software Visualization

*Data Communication and Computer Networking*

   - Mobile Networks & Wireless LAN
   - Optical Networking
   - Network Based Applications
   - Network Security
   - Next Generation Web Architectures
   - Recent Trends & Developments in Computer Networks
   - Wireless and Adhoc Network
   - Wireless Multimedia systems

*VLSI Design and Automation*

   - Digital Circuits and ASIC
   - Electronic System Level Design
   - Emerging Trends and Development in VLSI
   - Embedded Systems
   - Low Power CMOS Design
   - Logic Synthesis and Physical Design
   - MEMS and Sensors Design
   - RF, Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits
   - System-on-Chip and Network-on-Chip
   - VLSI Testing and Reliability


All submitted papers must be the authors’ unpublished work and should not
be under consideration elsewhere. Paper submissions should be made
electronically in the pdf format through the EDAS system.

*http://edas.info/N19593* <http://edas.info/N19593>

Papers submitted to the conference should be written in English with the
maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font). However,
Three (3) additional pages are allowed for an extra charge of USD 50 per
extra page. Papers should strictly adhere to the IEEE guidelines for
manuscript preparation. Standard IEEE conference templates for Word and
LaTeX are available at the following link:


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings provided at
least one of the authors will register and present the paper.


*• Full Paper Due: 30th September, 2015*

*• **Paper Acceptance Notification**: 15th December, 2015*

*• **Camera Ready Manuscript Due:** 15th January, 2016*

*• Last Date for registration: 2nd February, 2016*

*(Initial response to the manuscript will be provided within one month of


Best Regards,

Organizing Committee - ICCTICT 2016

Tel: +91-11-+911125302719, +911125302717, +911125302711, [image:

*Rinkaj Goyal *
Assistant Professor
University School of Information & Communication Technology
GGS Indraprastha University , Sector 16 C , Dwarka, Delhi-75 (INDIA)
(Under Govt. Of NCT of Delhi)
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