[agents] CFP: Agents Living in Augmented Worlds - Int. Workshop - 1st edition

Alessandro Ricci a.ricci at unibo.it
Mon Jul 13 01:08:54 EDT 2015


1st International Workshop on Agents Living in Augmented Worlds


Held at the 6th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-2015)

Berlin (Germany) - September 27-30, 2015.

=====  Introduction  =====

The scale of future augmented worlds range from small environments and augmented individual artifacts, up to large augmented realities and aggregates, including buildings, neighborhoods, or entire cities. Intelligent agents and related technologies represent a natural way to model the citizens living on the digital side of these augmented worlds, as either the soul of smart/augmented objects, or as the smart assistants of human users inhabiting these worlds, or rather as distributed and situated teams helping human coordination and cooperation. Pervasive computing, IoT and the Cloud, as well as mobile augmented/mixed reality frameworks, represent the  enabling technologies on top of which the agent-oriented layers are based.

The objective of the workshop is to be an inter-disciplinary forum where to discuss any aspect that concerns agent-based augmented worlds, from their conceptual and theoretical foundations, to their design and engineering, and their applications to specific domains.  

The workshop aims at exploring the impact that these augmented worlds can have on making individual and collective human/agent actions more effective, on enhancing human/agent reasoning capability, imagination, learning, sociality, and so on; on how human activities and processes can be (re-)shaped while the physical environment where these augmented worlds are instantiated is (re-)shaped too.

Agent-based augment worlds can be a lab where to explore novel forms of human augmentation - besides reality augmentation - along different dimensions, such as augmented cognition and augmented sociality.  Novel forms of interaction can be studied inside them, enabling humans communicating/cooperating - either explicitly or implicitly - with other humans and with the intelligent agents populating and shaping such augmented worlds.

The partial list of coarse-grained topics of interest for the workshop includes:

	• models and theories of agency and MAS living in/shaping augmented worlds
	• methodologies for designing agent systems living in/shaping augmented worlds
	• interaction, coordination, cooperation models inside augmented worlds
	• agent-based platforms and technologies for developing augmented worlds
	• human augmentation by means of agents and multi-agent systems in augmented worlds
	• real-world applications designed as agent-based augmented worlds
	• ...

===== Contributions =====

The workshop welcomes any research contribution which would allow to solicit the discussion and brainstorming about any relevant aspect related to agents living in an augmented worlds, either theoretical/conceptual and practical. A main objective of the meeting is booting a community on these issues.
A further important objective of the meeting is to set up the first publication of this vision, providing an overview about the state-of-the-art, starting from the research and discussion originated during the workshop. This publication can be either a book or a special issue on some high-level reference journal (e.g. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing).

=====  Important dates =====

- Paper submission deadline:        August 9, 2015 (strict)
- Full-paper notification:        August 31, 2015
- Workshop:                    End of September, 2015

Papers can be submitted here:


in PDF format. Submissions should use the Springer LNCS format, following the guidelines at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors. The maximum number of pages is 16.
===== Organization Committees

Organizers and PC chairs

Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC-CNR Roma
Gregory O’Hare, UCD Dublin
Alessandro Ricci, University of Bologna
Luca Tummolini,  ISTC-CNR Roma

===== ALAW @ EUSPN 2015

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