[agents] [Mycolleagues] CFP extended: International Workshop on Social Computing in Education @Stanford Uni, CA

Fernando Koch fernandokoch at me.com
Thu Jul 9 19:11:35 EDT 2015

Dear colleague,

Please, consider contributing to the Workshop on Social Computing in Education that we will organize at Stanford Uni, CA. 

Extended deadline: Jul 19th, 2015 !!

http://www.digedu-workshops.org <http://www.digedu-workshops.org/>

Please enter the Title, Abstract, and list of authors into Easychair the soonest.  We can provide an extended date for submitting the PDF file, if required.

International Workshop on Social Computing in Digital Education
In conjunction with 2015 ASE Eighth International Conference on Social Computing

Stanford Uni, CA — Aug 18th, 2015

Dr. Tiago Thompsen Primo, Research Scientist, Samsung Research Institute 
Dr. Andrew Koster, Research Scientist, Samsung Research Institute
Dr. Fernando Koch, Director R&D, Samsung Research Institute 
Dr. Yeunbae Kim, VP R&D, Samsung Research Institute
Prof. Dr. Takao Terano, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Dr. Noburo Matsuda, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
The workshop aims to discuss computational models of social computing and computational intelligence applied to Digital Education. This is a growing field of research concerned to bring interactive technology to teaching and learning in classroom. We seek to foment the discussion around new forms of assessment, and models to understand the impact of social behaviour, learning context, and individual profile upon learning performance. A basic premise of this workshop is to think of multi-disciplinary and investigative approaches involving:
Novel Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Intelligence in Digital Education;
Modelling of Social Behaviours, Emotional Intelligence, Influence processes and  other socials aspects that may influence learning performance;
Novel Recommendation and Inference Techniques in Digital Education;
Smart environments and Interactive systems of Social Computing in Digital Education;
Analysis of social media and media intelligence in Digital Education;
Mobile Social Gaming in Digital Education;
User Experience for Digital Education;
Standards and Data representation to support reasoning and interoperability;
The utilization of mobile and wearable technology in social systems in Digital Education, and others.
We would like to attract industrial research and practical research in academia, whose groups are applying extended models of Computational Intelligence, Computational Social Sciences, Learning analytics, Recommender Systems, Data Mining, Intelligent Information Retrieval, Social Simulation, Human-Computing Interaction, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and others applied to the field of Digital Education and Digital Teaching Platforms.
We also intend to establish a research community working on scientific and technological aspects of the proposed topics, by inviting contributions of members in the industry and applied research in academia.
As expected results, we seek to publish the proceedings Springer, possibly as Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) <http://www.springer.com/series/7899>. However, there might be situations, where a joint publication is more reasonable and/or other publisher may be considered.
Paper submission: Jul 19th, 2015  (please, submit abstract ASAP)
Notification of acceptance: Jul 24th, 2015 
Camera-ready: Jul 30, 2015
Workshop: Aug 18th, 2015
Submission is done electronically at Easychair, formatted according to LNCS authors' guidelines <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0> and submitted as a PDF file. 
We seeks four types of submissions:
Full paper of 8-12 pages.
Short paper of 4 pages, such as position and early result papers. 
Demo paper of 4 pages describing a demonstration.
Demo video with paper of 4 pages presenting a demonstration.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by, at least, two reviewers per paper. Selection criteria will include relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Some preference may also be given to papers which address emergent trends or important common themes, or which enhance balance of workshop topics.

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