Jaime Lloret Mauri jlloret at dcom.upv.es
Tue Jul 7 17:53:13 EDT 2015




With the explosive increases in global energy consumption, it has become an imperative for governmental and 
industrial institutions to address the impacts of growing energy use. Hence, the development of green and low-carbon 
economy has recently been attracting a great deal of attention in the industry. However, it is expected that the 
growing demand for industrial networking can only be met with limited resources. This is considered to be one of the 
major challenges that needs to be addressed. It is hoped that global industry efforts focused on such key challenges 
can allow us to reach the realization of sustainable development. We believe that networking technologies will be 
critical and greatly contribute to achieving large-scale energy savings in all areas of the industrial production. 
Green industrial networking technologies are expected to lead to not only emission reduction and energy savings in 
products and services, but also enabling low-carbon emissions in other industries. In order to meet the requirements 
of low-carbon economy development, it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption in Industrial networking. The 
need for green industrial networking technologies has been recognized during the last few years by our research 
communities. However, many challenges still remain to be addressed.

This Feature Topic is intended to stimulate high-quality research in Recent Advances in Green Industrial Networking, 
and move the theoretical and practical frontiers forward for a deeper understanding in fundamental algorithms, 
modeling, and analysis techniques from academic and industrial viewpoints. Authors from both academia and industry 
are invited to submit papers presenting new research related to the theory or practice of Recent Advances in Green 
Industrial Networking, including algorithms, modeling, technologies and applications. The topics suggested can be 
discussed in terms of concepts, the state of the art, standards, implementations and evaluation, and running 
experiments and/or applications.

Topics of interest in green industrial networking include, but are not limited to:

Theory, modeling, analysis, and/or optimization
Energy efficient hardware, devices and designs
Energy efficiency and measurements
Architecture, strategies, algorithms, protocols, scheduling, and/or designs
Cross-layer optimization
Security, privacy, and trust issues
Green technologies for mobile, wireless, wired industrial networking
Green data storage, data centers and cloud computing for industrial networking
Field trials, experiments, and testbeds
Standards, policy and regulation
New technologies and research trends


Articles should be tutorial in nature, with the intended audience being all members of the communications technology 
community. They should be written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. 
Mathematical equations should not be used (in justified cases up to three simple equations are allowed). Articles 
should not exceed 4500 words (from introduction through conclusions). Figures and tables should be limited to a 
combined total of six. The number of archival references (no website URLs as references) is recommended not to exceed 
15. In some rare cases, more mathematical equations, figures, and tables may be allowed, if well-justified. In 
general, however, mathematics should be avoided; instead, references to papers containing the relevant mathematics 
should be provided. Complete guidelines for preparation of the manuscripts are posted at 
http://www.comsoc.org/commag/paper-submission-guidelines. Please submit a PDF (preferred) or MSWORD formatted paper 
via Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/commag-ieee). Register or log in, and go to Author Center. 
Follow the instructions there. Select "October 2016/Recent Advances in Green Industrial Networking" as the Feature 
Topic category for your submission.


Submission Deadline: December 15, 2015
Notification Due Date: March 15, 2016
Acceptance Notification: May 31, 2016
Final Version Due Date: August 1, 2016
Feature Topic Publication Date: October 2016


Guangjie Han
Hohai University, China
hanguangjie at ieee.org

Hongyi Wu
U. of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA
wu at cacs.louisiana.edu

Mohsen Guizani
Qatar University, Qatar
mguizani at ieee.org

Sammy Chan
CU of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
eeschan at cityu.edu.hk

Jaime Lloret
Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
jlloret at dcom.upv.es

Ammar Rayes
Cisco Systems, San Francisco, USA
rayes at cisco.com

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