[agents] CFP: Agent Verification Workshop

Louise Dennis L.A.Dennis at liverpool.ac.uk
Tue Jun 30 05:38:55 EDT 2015

Agent Verification Workshop, 11th September 2015, Liverpool, UK

Web Page: http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~maryam/AVWorkshop15.html

The software agent has been an important programming paradigm for
nearly two decades and has become one of the strong sub-fields of
AI research. Recent advances in deploying agent technology in real
applications, particularly at the core of autonomous systems, has
raised the profile of research into testing, validating and
verifying such programs.

In recognition of this the Department of Computer Science, at the
University of Liverpool, is hosting a one-day workshop specifically
on Agent Verification on September 11th 2015. The aim is to provide
an overview of the field of Agent Verification and associated topics,
primarily within the UK, and to bring together many of those leading
this area. Though of particular value to PhD students, we also hope
this will provide a useful networking opportunity for more
established researchers.

The format of the workshop will be a series of invited talks with
the aim of providing broad coverage of current research, followed
by a panel session and discussion on research challenges. Speakers
include: Natasha Alechina (Nottingham); Michael Butler (Southampton);
Clare Dixon (Liverpool); Kerstin Eder (Bristol); Michael Fisher
(Liverpool); Alessio Lomuscio (Imperial); Alice Miller (Glasgow);
and Franco Raimondi (Middlesex).  The provisional programme can be
found on the workshop web page.

The Agent Verification Workshop is supported by

  - Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology, University of Liverpool
  - EPSRC "Verifiable Autonomy" project
  - EPSRC Network on the "Verification and Validation of Autonomous Systems"


Registration for the workshop is free, including lunch and refreshments.
However, as space is limited, it is necessary to register for a place at
the event which will be allocated on a "first come first served" basis.
The TAROS conference ("Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems") is taking
place from 8th-10th September ( http://www.taros.org.uk ) and TAROS
participants will be welcome at the Agent Verification Workshop.

You can register via the workshop web page at


Travel Bursaries

We have a limited number of bursaries available to PhD students for
travel and subsistence. To apply for PhD student travel/subsistence
funding of up to £150, please email mfisher at liverpool.ac.uk by 25th
July 2015 with two items

      a. an email from the applicant confirming that (s)he is
         a PhD student working in the area of (agent) logics or
         verification, how much funding is required (if not the
         full £150), and how the PhD is funded.

      b. an email from the applicant's PhD supervisor (again to
         mfisher at ..) confirming that the applicant is a PhD student,
         that attendance at the workshop will be valuable, and
         where the PhD funding is from.

If allocated travel/subsistence funding you will be notified in early
August, but you will have to claim back from University of Liverpool
after the event (and so be required to provide travel/accommodation
receipts, etc). Preference will be given to EPSRC funded PhD
students. In addition we encourage you to generate a poster that can
be displayed at the workshop and that you can discuss with attendees
during refreshment/lunch breaks.

Dr. Louise Dennis,
Department of Computer Science, Room 117, Ashton Building, University of  Liverpool, Liverpool, L69 3BX,  UK.
http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~lad/  phone: +44 151 795 4237
Athena Swan Working Group - http://www.athenaswan.org.uk

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