[agents] CFP special issue on Intelligent Cyber Security Agents

Laurent Vercouter laurent.vercouter at insa-rouen.fr
Wed Jun 10 07:29:10 EDT 2015

Special Issue on Intelligent Cyber Security Agents

http://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/iscfp5 <http://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/iscfp5>
Submission Deadline: 1 January 2016
Publication: September/October 2016

Cybersecurity is of utmost importance to the development of a sustainable, resilient, and prosperous cyber world. This includes protecting crucial assets, ranging from critical infrastructures to an individual's personal information, and it spans domains like cloud computing, the smart grid, virtual organisations, virtual communities, social media, and electronic commerce. In the last few years, cybercriminals have attacked targets using a broad range of tactics, devising very professional approaches to monetisation of exploits, and conducting political and industrial espionage.

To deal with these threats, the security community has been looking at more intelligent, distributed, and adaptable security mechanisms. This is where research from the intelligent agent community can make a difference in cybersecurity. However, agent technologies are not capable of providing a drop-in replacement for the current methods. They need to be carefully crafted to work with the existing methods and systems.

This special issue is intended to explore state-of-the-art research dealing with new tools, techniques, concepts, and applications concerning agent-based approaches to cybersecurity. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Intelligent Access Control Models
Advanced Persistent Threats
Adversarial Modelling
Automated Vulnerability Assessment/ Penetration Testing
Cloud Computing and Social Media Security and Privacy
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Cybercrime and Cyberwar
Denial of Service/ Distributed Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS)
Game-theoretic approaches to Security and Privacy
Human Behaviour Modelling
Information Forensics
Information Leakage and Exfiltration
Insider Threat 
Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems 
Learning/Recommendation/Negotiation of Security and Privacy Policies
Malware (Virus, Worms, Trojans, Backdoors)
Multi-party/Multi-agent Access Control
Privacy and Personal Information Protection
Resilience and Robustness
Risk Management and Risk Mitigation Strategies
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be 3,000 to 5,400 words (counting a standard figure or table as 200 words) and should follow IEEE Intelligent Systems style and presentation guidelines (www.computer.org/intelligent/author <http://www.computer.org/portal/web/computingnow/www.computer.org/intelligent/author>). The manuscripts cannot have been published or be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

We strongly encourage submissions that include audio, video, and community content, which will be featured on the IEEE Computer Society Website along with the accepted papers.

Guest Editors
Laurent Vercouter. INSA de Rouen. Email: laurent.vercouter at insa-rouen.fr <mailto:laurent.vercouter at insa-rouen.fr>
Jose M. Such, Lancaster University. Email: j.such at lancaster.ac.uk <mailto:j.such at lancaster.ac.uk>
Martin Rehak, Cisco, Czech Technical University in Prague. Email: marrehak at cisco.com <mailto:marrehak at cisco.com>
Natalia Criado Pacheco, Liverpool John Moores University. Email: n.criado at ljmu.ac.uk <mailto:n.criado at ljmu.ac.uk>
Information about the special issue's focus: is5-2016 at computer.org <mailto:is5-2016 at computer.org>
General author guidelines: www.computer.org/intelligent/author <http://www.computer.org/intelligent/author>
Submission details: contact intelligent at computer.org <mailto:intelligent at computer.org>
To submit an article: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/is-cs <https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/is-cs>
*Laurent Vercouter*
Directeur des études du département STPI
Professeur des Universités en Informatique
Fédération CNRS Norm at STIC FR 3638
LITIS, INSA de Rouen, France
Ph: (+33) 2 32 95 99 86

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