[agents] CALL FOR PAPERS: Australasian Software Engineering Conference (Deadline Extended)

Hoa Dam Hoa at uow.edu.au
Mon May 25 02:12:42 EDT 2015

Deadline Extended - CALL FOR PAPERS
ASWEC 2015 - The 24th Australasian Software Engineering Conference
September 28 – October 1, Adelaide, Australia
Website: http://www.aswec2015.org
Contact: aswec2015 at easychair.com

Conference background
ASWEC was established in 1986 and is a leading forum for the software engineering profession in Australasia to describe important new research results and report valuable project
experiences. The 24th ASWEC (ASWEC 2015) will be held in Adelaide, South Australia from September 28th to October 1st. Adelaide has all the hallmarks of a major urban centre with modern and
classical architecture, a bustling retail hub and a multi-cultural population. It is home to long summers, stunning beachfronts, award-winning wine, foods, festivals and sporting events.
Adelaide was voted Australia’s most liveable city – and one of Lonely Planet’s top 10 must-visit cities for 2014.

Software is everywhere, and the way it is built remains a challenge. In the past decades, software engineering as a discipline has produced many theoretical and practical results. As
software is playing more important roles in ever larger and more complex systems, traditional software engineering is interacting substantially with more fields.  For example, the emerging
research activities around DevOps are looking at the complex interactions between product development and operations in modern IT infrastructure.  The challenges in building highly
dependable large-scale systems lie in reconnecting logic-based formal methods with other statistical approaches in new ways to better manage the uncertainties of the environment and provide
assurance cases. Industry’s use of dynamic, concurrent and functional programming languages in specific domains is making programming language research more connected to software
engineering. Cloud computing, service-oriented computing, mobile apps, big data, Internet of Things and software ecosystems are also bringing new contexts to software engineering research.

The scope of software engineering research needs to be expanded and more interaction with other communities will benefit the research going forward. The theme for the ASWEC 2015 is:

“Engineering Software for Innovation, Security, and Sustainability”

It is our pleasure and honour to have the following keynote speakers:

Professor John Grundy, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Professor Awais Rashid, Security Lancaster, University of Lancaster, UK.

Research Papers
We are particularly seeking contributions that help redefine the future scope of software engineering from both the traditional software engineering community and other fields, especially
those discussing recent innovations, experiences, challenges and outcomes. Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research in all areas of software engineering. Papers
describing theoretical or empirical research, new techniques and tools, and in-depth case studies are all welcome. Submissions should be original and must not have been published previously
or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Agile Methods in Practice
Cloud Computing
Computer Supported Cooperative Software Engineering
Configuration Management and Deployment
Empirical Research in Software Engineering
Formal Methods
Health Informatics System Development
Human Computer Interaction
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering
Large-Scale Distributed Software Engineering
Legacy Systems and Software Maintenance
Measurement, Metrics, Experimentation
Model Driven Engineering
Object and Component-Based Software Engineering
Open Source Software Development
Programming Languages
Quality Assurance
Real-Time and Embedded Software
Requirements Engineering
Software Architecture
Software Design and Patterns
Software Documentation
Software Engineering Education
Software Engineering Ontologies
Software Engineering of Multi-Agent Systems
Software Engineering of Web Services
Software Inspection Approaches
Software Modelling Approaches
Software Performance Engineering
Software Processes and Quality
Software Project Management
Software Re-use and Product Development
Software Reverse Engineering
Software Risk Management
Software Security, Safety and Reliability
Software Services
Software Verification and Validation
Software Visualization
Software Vulnerabilities
Standards and Legal Issues
Testing, Analysis and Verification
Tools and Processes for Distributed Multi-Site Software Engineering
Ubiquitous/Pervasive Software Systems
Web-based Software

Two tracks of submissions are solicited:
•             Full papers should present innovative and mature research in topics related to software engineering. They should clearly describe a novel and significant contribution to the area
and support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature and validations of the research results. Full papers can be research papers or experience reports. Full papers must
use the IEEE CPS IEEE 8.5×11 inch two-column format and must not exceed 10 pages.
•             Short papers should present novel research directions, new ideas, or educational experiences in software engineering. They should clearly describe well-defined ideas that may be at
an early stage of investigation and may not be fully validated. Short papers must use the ACM SIG Proceedings format and must not exceed 5 pages in length.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer review process (DEST Category E1) by at least three reviewers from an international panel and will be evaluated on the basis of their
originality, significance, clarity and relevance to the field of software engineering. As in previous years, the ASWEC full paper proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society
Conference Publishing Services (IEEE-DL and EI indexed). Short paper proceedings will be published by ACM (ACM-DL and EI indexed). At least one author from each accepted full or short paper
is required to register as a full-fee delegate and present the paper at the conference; otherwise their paper will not be included in the proceedings.
All submissions must be written in English. Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically via the conference submission system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aswec2015 – see
the ASWEC 2015 submission page for further instructions.

Paper Submission (Long):               14 June 2015
Acceptance Notification (Long):  19 July 2015
Camera-Ready Submission (Long):             31 July 2015

Paper Submission (Short):              3 July  2015
Acceptance Notification (Short): 26 July 2015
Camera-Ready Submission (Short): 31 July 2015

Industry/Government Submissions
ASWEC 2015 seeks experience reports, case studies and research presentations that discuss the application of Software Engineering practices in the real context. This provides opportunities
to software engineers and thought leaders to share, network and learn from each other through the presentation of industry success and failure cases. Industry presentations will provide
important insights into future research directions and share practices which worked and which did not work. We invite submissions that discuss lessons learned and share experiences about
the benefits and limitations of Software Engineering practices. Industry/government submissions should be based on actual practice, and should cover all sides of the story - strengths and
weaknesses, successes and challenges relevant to Software Engineering practices.

Prospective presenters are invited to submit an abstract (500-1000 words approximately) which outlines the proposed presentation with some key takeaways; additional material such as
proposed slides or more discussion may also be submitted. All industry/government submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. Authors of accepted presentations should then
provide content (such as the intended presentation slides, or a paper) that will be published in the conference proceedings that are distributed to participants; a "permission to
publish" form will need to be signed by the authors or their organizations. Authors also have the option, if they choose, of allowing the published material to be archived in the INFORMIT
digital library that is accessible free by members of Engineers Australia, and at a fee by others. One author from each accepted submission is required to register as a delegate and present
at the conference.

Paper Submission:                           28 June 2015
Acceptance Notification:               19 July 2015
Camera-Ready Submission:           31 July 2015

Tutorials and Workshops
Tutorial and Workshop proposals that have wide appeal to the software engineering community are sought for ASWEC 2015. Tutorials and workshops (half or full day) will run on the first day
of the conference. Please submit your proposals detailing the topic, background, intended audience, anticipated number of attendees and justification for this estimate, presenter/s and
their affiliations, along with anticipated time requirements following the guidelines on the ASWEC 2015 tutorials and workshops page.

Proposals due:              12 June 2015
Acceptance notification:   19 June 2015
Confirmation of programme: 2 August 2015

Doctoral Symposium
The Doctoral Symposium is a great opportunity for Ph.D. students to have their work – even in its early stages – presented to an international audience. Students at the initial stage will
be able to have their ideas and current research directions challenged, while students at a more mature stage will be able to present their contributions and get feedback for improvement
and guidance for better exposition. Furthermore, the symposium aims at facilitating the networking of Ph.D. students within the scientific community by interacting with established
researchers and their peers at a similar career stage. To obtain maximum benefit from this symposium, students should consider participating after they have settled on a research topic,
with a defined problem statement and some ideas about the solution that they want to discuss. More advanced students will have to present their research plan, research method and
preliminary results. To apply for participation at the doctoral symposium, students should submit a short paper, which should not exceed 2 pages for early stage students and 4 pages for
more mature stage students according to the guidelines that will be available on the conference website.

Paper Submission:                           26 July   2015
Acceptance notification:               9 August  2015
Camera-Ready Submission:           16 August 2015


General Chair:
               Muhammad Ali Babar, University of Adelaide, Australia

Program Committee Chairs:
               Haifeng Shen, Flinders University, Australia
               Markus Stumptner, University of South Australia, Australia

Short Paper and Poster Chairs
               Fei-Ching (Diana) Kuo, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
               Stuart Marshall, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Industry/Government Program Committee Chairs:

               Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
               Ingo Weber, NICTA, Australia

Invited Speakers Chairs

               Paul Strooper, University of Queensland, Australia
               Liming Zhu, NICTA, Australia

Workshop Chairs

               Aldeida Aleti, Monash University, Australia
               Rashina Hoda, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Tutorial Chairs:
               Asif Gill, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Doctoral Symposium Chairs:
               He (Jason) Zhang, Nanjing University, China

Publicity Chairs:
               Hoa Dam, University of Wollongong, Australia
               Mohamed Almorsy, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Electronic Media Chairs:
               Matt Selway, University of South Australia, Australia
               Zheng (Eddie) Li, Lund University, Sweden

Program Committee
Aldeida Aleti, Monash University, Australia
Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan University, Japan
Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, UK
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
Barbora Buhnova, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Rachel Cardell-Oliver, The University of Western Australia, Australia
Tony Clear, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Carlos E. Cuesta, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Janakiram D, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Alan Fekete, University of Sydney, Australia
Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia
Jacky Keung, City University of Hong Kong, China
Sai Peck Lee, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Peng Liang, Wuhan University, China
Yan Liu, Concordia University, Canada
Yi Lu, Oracle Labs, Australia
Stephen MacDonell, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Tim Miller, University of Melbourne, Australia
Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Pornsiri Muenchaisri, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Vu Nguyen, University of Southern California, USA
David Pearce, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Xin Peng, Fudan University, China
Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, Brazil
Fethi Rabhi, University of New South Wales, Australia
Rajiv Ranjan, University of  New South Wales, Australia
Steve Reeves, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Deborah Richards, Macquarie University, Australia
Heinz Schmidt, RMIT University, Australia
Lionel Seinturier, University LILLE 1, France
Jim Steel, University of Queensland, Australia
Ewan Tempero, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Christian Webel, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Jian Yang, Macquarie University  Australia
He Zhang, Nanjing University, China
Hongyu Zhang, Tsinghua University, China

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