[agents] Summer School “The Complexity of Crowd Dynamics: Analysis, Modeling, Simulation”
Giuseppe Vizzari
giuseppe.vizzari at disco.unimib.it
Tue May 19 12:12:40 EDT 2015
(apologies for multiple postings)
INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL on “The Complexity of Crowd Dynamics: Analysis, Modeling, Simulation” September 14-29 2015, Villa del Grumello - Lake Como School Of Advanced Studies, Como (Italy).
Chairs: Stefania Bandini (University of Milano Bicocca - Italy), Katsuhiro Nishinari (The University of Tokyo - Japan)
The study of the complex dynamical behavior of pedestrian crowds is becoming an attractor of scientific and application interest. Moreover, the use of innovative computer-based technologies for the simulation and analysis of pedestrian circulation flows is producing a revolution in the design and planning of public and private crowded premises. This is aimed at offering a more safe and comfortable fruition of spaces and events to the citizens, supporting the design of practical and optimized solutions for crowd managers.
The scientific framework of the Science of Complex Systems only recently offered a reference for the convergence of interdisciplinary knowledge about crowd and pedestrian dynamics phenomena, allowing the development of advanced computational models and solutions. Crowd understanding calls for both contributions from the humanities (e.g. anthropology, psychology, sociology, architecture) as well as the hard sciences (e.g. physics, engineering, applied mathematics, computer science). Theoretical contributions require to be evaluated on the basis of empirical data coming from on site data gathering observations and controlled experiments in laboratory setting.
The School offers educational courses in an intensive and pleasant context, specifically dedicated to scholars, experts, students and practitioners, decision makers,crowd and security managers, and designers of collective space for big events. The main purpose of the School is to provide a comprehensive picture of the different facets, disciplines, methods and techniques that, in a different way, contribute to the overall understanding of the phenomenon and the possibility to manage it. Without such a complete and multi-faceted comprehension of the complexity of crowd dynamical behavior it is not realistic to pretend to face the actual challenges of the planning, organization, management of collective events and environments subject to significant crowding conditions. This perspective is a mandatory element of higher level strategies such as those for achieving resilience against disasters, supporting big events (e.g. concerts, sport, religious, large expositions, gatherings), management of mass gathering and transit premises in a smart city perspective, implementation of age friendly city policies. In particular, this crucial background global trend will be discussed in parallel sessions organized in collaboration with the ALIAS Summer School dedicated to the Ageing Society.
The organization of the courses includes both a presentation and discussion of the most advanced theories, models, case studies and contributions from the different relevant disciplines, which will also propose the current research challenges and open issues, as well as concrete case studies related to research and application projects. Participants will be asked to actively contribute in the discussions and PhD students will be required to develop a final project proposing a novel integrated research or application proposal exploiting the knowledge and information acquired throughout the courses.
- Otto Adang (Police Academy of The Netherlands, Apeldoorn)
- Viola Cavallo (IFSTTAR - FRANCE)
- Mizar L. Federici (University of Milano-Bicocca & CROWDYXITY - ITALY)
- Emad Felemban(Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah - KSA)
- Andrea Gorrini (University of Milano-Bicocca and CROWDYXITY - ITALY)
- Hani Mahmassani (Northwestern University Transportation Center, USA)
- Hiroko Kudo (Chuo University, Tokyo - JAPAN)
- Laura Kunzer (Team Human-Factor, Remseck, GERMANY)
- Gregor Lammel(Institute for Advanced Simulations, Julich - GERMANY)
- Katsuhiro Nishinari (The University of Tokyo - JAPAN)
- Mubarak Shah(University of Central Florida, USA)
- James Thompson (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow - UK)
- Giuseppe Vizzari (University of Milano-Bicocca - ITALY)
- Ullrich Wagoum (Institute for Advanced Simulations - Julich, GERMANY)
Deadline for registration August 18, 2015.
Additional information and contact: Organization Chair - Andrea Gorrini andrea.gorrini at unimib.it
Website for information and registration: http://www.csai.disco.unimib.it/CSAI/CrowdSchool/2015/
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