[agents] 2nd CFP COIN at IJCAI 2015 - Deadline April 27
Virginia Dignum - TBM
M.V.Dignum at tudelft.nl
Tue Apr 7 07:16:41 EDT 2015
20th Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems
COIN at IJCAI 2015
A workshop co-located with the
24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IJCAI 2015
25-27 July (day to be defined) 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Call for Papers
It is our pleasure to announce that the next edition in 2015 of the COIN workshop series will take place in South America for the first time, as an associated workshop of IJCAI 2015.
We seek to attract high-quality papers addressing mathematical, logical, computational, philosophical, and pragmatic issues related to the four aspects of COIN: Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms. We also encourage the submission of work in progress papers, and demonstration papers illustrating software tools, platforms or applications of the various facets of COIN to real world problems.
Standard research papers should be up to 16 pages in length, while demonstration/application papers and those describing work in progress should be no longer than 6 pages in the Springer LNCS format.
Submission of papers will be managed by the EasyChair conference system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coinijcai2015
Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the workshop to present the work.
COIN Topics of Interest
The following topics are of interest, but not exclusive:
* ogics, languages and tools for specifying coordination and norms, implementing or simulating organizations and institutions
* law of open multi-agent systems
* agent societies and communities, social networks, electronic institutions and virtual organizations
* formal methods for specifying, verifying, validating and visualising COIN;
* autonomic institutions and self-organization in MAS;
* frameworks and protocols for organized and organizational adaptation;
* mechanisms for governance of common pool resources;
* discovery, openness and inter-operation in organizations and institutions;
* mixed human-agent coordination and institutions in virtual worlds;
* computers as social actors;
* norm-aware agents;
* participatory simulation;
* benchmarks and problem sets;
* COIN and emergent behaviour;
* Social intelligence
Workshop Special Theme: COIN Issues in Socio-Technical Systems
In this edition, we have chosen as a special theme the impact of coordination, organization, institutions and norms models and techniques in Socio-Technical Systems.
The socio-technical systems paradigm sees systems as being made up of social systems (hierarchies, communication networks, etc.) and technical systems, or technological artifacts. A main driver is the interplay between technology and its social context of application. All technology is shaped by the social context in which it is adopted, but it also shapes society in ways not imagined before.
As the boundaries between physical and virtual, between fixed and fluid organisations, and between emergence and design of institutions fade, we need to rethink the ways we understand, design and coordinate organisations and institutions.
In this workshop we aim to extend research done in the past decade on Coordination, Organisation, Institutions and Norms (COIN) to the realm of Socio-Technical Systems (STS). What are the lessons learned from COIN research that benefit STS? What are specific aspects of STS that need to be taken into account by COIN research? How can multi-agent systems support the understanding and governance of integrity, robustness, trust, privacy, security and other properties of STS?
In this workshop we seek to attract high-quality papers and an active audience to debate, from different perspectives, on issues related COIN aspects in Socio-Technical Systems. We look forward to:
* papers that propose novel and challenging positions.
* papers that present interdisciplinary treatment of topics
* papers that present formal treatment of topics
* papers that provide experimental support to claims.
* papers that discuss tools, prototypes and actual working systems.
* papers that report on the experience of deployment and application of regulated open MAS.
* papers concerned with modelling, animation and simulation techniques
Of particular interest for the workshop are those papers that articulate a challenging or innovative view.
Preliminary proceedings will be available before the conference. They will also be distributed to IJCAI 2015 registrants in electronic form.
As with previous COIN workshops, revised and extended versions of selected papers will published in a Springer LNCS volume in combination with the post-proceedings of the first COIN workshop to be held in AAMAS 2015. That volume is published as part of The Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems book series, with all the indexing, referencing and follow-up benefits associated with an established line of publication.
Revised papers must take into account the discussion held during the workshop, hence, only those papers that are presented during the workshop will be considered for inclusion in the post-proceedings volume.
Important Dates
* April 27, 2015 - Submission of contributions to workshops
* May 20, 2015 - Workshop paper acceptance notification
* May 30, 2015 - Deadline for final camera ready copy to workshop organizer
* July 25, 26 or 27, 2015 - Workshop date (to be defined)
Workshop Chairs
* Virginia Dignum (Delft University of Technology, NL)
* Jaime Sichman (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Program Committee
· Huib Aldewereld
· Alexander Artikis
· Tina Balke
· Olivier Boissier
· Anarosa Alves Franco Brandão
· Luciano Coutinho
· Stephen Cranefield
· Marina De Vos
· Frank Dignum
· Virginia Dignum
· Nicoletta Fornara
· Jomi Fred Hubner
· Ozgur Kafali
· Eric Matson
· Felipe Meneguzzi
· Simon Miles
· Pablo Noriega
· Sascha Ossowski
· Julian Padget
· Jeremy Pitt
· Ana Paula Rocha
· Silvia Schiaffino
· Alexei Sharpanskykh
· Jaime Sichman
· Viviane Silva
· Martijn Warnier
· Wamberto Vasconcelos
· George Vouros
COIN Steering Committee
* Huib Aldewereld (TU Delft, NL)
* Tina Balke (U Surrey, UK)
* Olivier Boissier (ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, FR)
* Stephen Cranefield (U. Otago, NZ)
* Frank Dignum (U Utrecht, NL)
* Virginia Dignum (TUDelft, NL)
* Nicoletta Fornara (U Lugano, CH)
* Eric Matson (Purdue U., US)
* Pablo Noriega (IIIA-CSIC, ES)
* Julian Padget (U Bath, UK)
* Birna van Riemsdijk (TU Delft, NL)
* Jaime Sichman (U Sao Paulo, BR)
* Viviane Torres da Silva (URJ, BR)
* Wamberto Vasconcelos (U Aberdeen, UK)
* Javier Vazquez-Salceda (UPC, ES)
* Marina de Vos (U Bath, UK)
* George Vouros (U Piraeus, GR)
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