[agents] MATES Doctoral Consortium: Call for Applications/Papers

Nils Bulling bulling at in.tu-clausthal.de
Wed Mar 25 04:55:27 EDT 2015

Call for Applications/Papers for the

MATES 2015 
(13th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies)

Held in conjunction with INFORMATIK'2015
Cottbus, Germany, September 28 - October 2, 2015
Day of Doctoral Consortium: September 28, 2015 (to be confirmed)
http://www.mates2015.de <http://www.mates2015.de/>

About the MATES Doctoral Consortium

The MATES conference series aims at the promotion of and the cross-fertilization between theory and application of intelligent agents and multiagent systems. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and members of business and industry to present and discuss latest advances in multiagent systems and agent-based computing with prototyped or fielded systems in various application domains.  The event will also host a Doctoral Consortium which is meant to support PhD students working in the area of intelligent agents or multi-agent systems. The doctoral consortium offers a platform to researchers in all stages of their PhD studies to present and discuss their ideas in an academic professional environment. The program provides an opportunity to PhD students to interact with their peers as well as with experienced researchers in the field, and to receive valuable feedback on their work and advice for their future careers. In particular, each student will be assigned a mentor, an experienced researcher in the field, who will be available for personal interactions during the day of the doctoral consortium. 

The main goals of the doctoral consortium are:

- to give PhD researchers an opportunity to get feedback and suggestion on their work from experienced researchers and their peers.

- to interact with other PhD researchers and to get an overview of the field of multi-agent systems.

- to get advice for their (academic) career.

- to provide networking opportunities.

For further information, please visit:

		http://www.mates2015.de/?q=content/doctoral-consortium <http://www.mates2015.de/?q=content/doctoral-consortium>

Submission and Application Requirements

The application consist of two parts.

1. An extended abstract of the student's PhD project of up to 4 pages, following the MATES submission guidelines. 

2. A short application document of at most 2 pages which should include the following:
* a motivation why you think the doctoral consortium is useful for you;
* the area of your PhD, including keywords describing your research;
* you affiliation and contact details of your supervisor;
* an outline of your plans after completion of your PhD; and
* a short CV.

The selection process takes into account the quality of the submitted abstract (which will be peer-reviewed) and of the application document.

Extended abstracts must be submitted electronically via Easychair:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcmates2015 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcmates2015>

The application documents must be send as a single PDF file to Nils Bulling.

Presentation and Publication

- All accepted papers will be assigned a slot for oral presentation during the doctoral consortium.

- Selected extended abstracts describing original, unpublished work mature enough for publication will be included in the MATES Springer LNCS proceedings. 

Important Dates

Submissions due: May 22, 2015  (abstract and application documents)
Acceptance notification: June 25, 2015
Final Versions: July 16, 2015
Doctoral Consortium: September 28, 2015 (to be confirmed)



Nils Bulling, Delft University of Technology


Lars Braubach, University of Hamburg
Juergen Dix, Clausthal University of Technology
Christian Guttmann, Institute of Value Based Reimbursement System (IVBAR), Sweden
Wolfgang Ketter, Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University
Franziska Klügl, Örebro University
Brian Logan, University of Nottingham
Felipe Meneguzzi, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University
Jörg P. Müller, TU Clausthal
Sascha Ossowski, University Rey Juan Carlos
Jordi Sabater Mir, IIIA-CSIC
Michael Thielscher, The University of New South Wales
Matthias Thimm, Universität Koblenz-Landau
Ingo J. Timm, University of Trier
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, ICB
Leon van der Torre, University of Luxembourg
Cees Witteveen, Delft University of Technology

Further Questions

For further questions, please contact Nils Bulling (n DOT bulling   AT  tudelft DOT nl).

PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. 
Nils Bulling
Computational Intelligence Group
Clausthal University of Technology
http://www.nilsbulling.com <http://www.nilsbulling.com/>
phone: +49 5323 72 7182  

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