[agents] CfP: Energy Informatics & Management (EIM 2015) - Erasmus Energy Forum 2015

Wolf Ketter wketter at rsm.nl
Wed Mar 18 17:37:39 EDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We are inviting you to submit extended abstracts to "Energy Informatics & Management (EIM 2015)" at the Erasmus Energy Forum 2015: www.rsm.nl/ef<http://www.rsm.nl/ef>

The conference aims to engage academic researchers in a dialogue that examines the future of energy business, especially in the context of how energy informatics can foster energy efficiency in city and port environments. It focuses on in-depth scientific work and the results of research from research institutes worldwide. Papers co-authored by academic and industry partners are particularly welcome, along with case studies showing the application of energy informatics to solve management problems.


Research may take a behavioral, economic, engineering or computer science approach, and may be either empirical or conceptual. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

*         Information systems supporting the generation and distribution of renewable energy

*         IS for the management of energy grids

*         Business opportunities of smart meter data streams

*         Decision support systems highlighting sustainability issues

*         Design and implementation of processes for lower energy consumption and emissions

*         Technologies for greening organizations (e.g. mobile systems, cloud computing, remote sensing; virtual team work)

*         Carbon reduction and emission trading

*         Energy supply chain

*         Electric equipment planning in logistics

*         Energy efficiency in the shipping/logistics industry

*         The role of information systems in energy policy

*         Electric Vehicles: charging algorithms, behavioral aspects, etc.

*         HCI for energy monitoring, pricing, management, and awareness

*         IS-based behavioral intervention techniques for energy saving

Conference Chairs
*         Prof. Wolf Ketter<http://www.erim.eur.nl/people/wolfgang-ketter>, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, wketter at rsm.nl<mailto:wketter at rsm.nl>
*         Prof. Richard Watson<http://www.terry.uga.edu/directory/profile/rwatson/>, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, rwatson at terry.uga.edu<mailto:rwatson at terry.uga.edu>
Programme Chairs
*         Dr. Arthur Carvalho<http://www.rsm.nl/people/arthur-carvalho/>, Rotterdam School of Management, carvalho at rsm.nl<mailto:carvalho at rsm.nl>
*         Prof. Gilbert Fridgen<http://www.nim.uni-bayreuth.de/de/team/professor/Gilbert-Fridgen/>, University of Bayreuth, gilbert.fridgen at fim-rc.de<mailto:gilbert.fridgen at fim-rc.de>
*         Dr. Ksenia Koroleva<http://www.rsm.nl/people/ksenia-koroleva>, Rotterdam School of Management, koroleva at rsm.nl<mailto:koroleva at rsm.nl>
*         The best paper will be awarded with the Erasmus Energy Science Award!
*         The submission deadline is on April 8th and details can be found at:
Best wishes,
On behalf of the organization committee.

Prof. Dr. Wolf Ketter

Professor of Next Generation Information Systems
Director, Erasmus Centre for Future Energy Business (www.rsm.nl/energy<http://www.rsm.nl/energy>)
Director, Learning Agents Research Group at Erasmus (LARGE - www.large.rsm.nl<http://www.large.rsm.nl/>)
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Twitter: @wolfketter

Ingrid Waaijer, Secretary
+31(0)10-408 2032
iwaaijer at rsm.nl<mailto:iwaaijer at rsm.nl>

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