[agents] SCFI 2015 Call for Papers (at IEEE SERVICES 2015)
alexander.perucci at graduate.univaq.it
alexander.perucci at graduate.univaq.it
Tue Mar 17 12:06:11 EDT 2015
======= SCFI 2015 Call for Papers (at IEEE SERVICES 2015) =======
IEEE Service 2015 Visionary Track on Service Composition for the Future Internet (SCFI 2015) Theme
SCFI 2015 (http://scfi2015.disim.univaq.it/) visionary track theme aims at providing innovative contributions to the research and development of novel Service Composition approaches to assist the design, development, validation and execution of service-oriented applications for the Future Internet.
SCFI 2014 constitutes a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to present and discuss their latest ongoing research as well as radical new research directions that represent challenging innovations, which can advance the status quo of Service Composition when projected to the Future Internet.
Details on key aims of the visionary track can be found at: http://scfi2015.disim.univaq.it.
At SCFI 2015 we will have a Keynote by Paola Inverardi (Tile and abstract to be announced) - http://scfi2015.disim.univaq.it/?page_id=130
Submission Due Date (for all Paper types): April 19, 2015
Decision Notification on papers (Electronic): May 04, 2015
Camera-Ready Copy: May 10, 2015
All accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of the IEEE 11th World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2015), which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.
Selected papers will be invited for extension and inclusion in a special issue of a related journal.
We invite high-quality English-language submissions of regular papers, roadmaps, visionary papers, experience reports, industrial/academic reflections, and tool demos. Submissions should follow the IEEE Computer Society proceedings style as per IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines and accepted manuscripts must be under 4 or 8 pages. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend SCFI track and present the paper.
== Workshop Chairs ==
- Marco Autili, University of LAquila, Italy marco.autili at univaq.it
- Alfredo Goldman, University of Sγo Paulo, Brazil gold at ime.usp.br
- Massimo Tivoli, University of LAquila, Italy, massimo.tivoli at univaq.it
== Program Committee ==
- Alex Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Alexander Jungmann, University of Paderborn, Germany
- Amel Bennaceur, The Open University, UK
- Andre Ludwig, University Leipzig, Germany
- Animesh Pathak, INRIA Paris, France
- Antonio Bucchiarone, FBK, Italy
- Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain
- Dimitris Dranidis, University of Munich, Germany
- Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Federico Ciccozzi, Mδlardalen University, Sweden
- Gwen Salaun, INRIA Rhone Alpes, France
- Lionel Seinturier, University Lille 1, France
- Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, Netherlands
- Pengwei Wang, University of Pisa, Italy
- Salvatore Di Stefano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Valerio Schiavoni, UNINE, Switzerland
- Vincenzo Ciancia, CNR, Italy
- Zachary Oster, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, US
== Publicity Chair ==
- Alexander Perucci, University of LAquila, Italy
== Web Chair ==
- Amleto Di Salle, University of LAquila, Italy
== List of topics (although not limited to) ==
Service Composition Methods and Practices for FI applications
- Engineering Principles
- Development Processes
- Requirement Elicitation and Analysis
- Design and Programming
- Verification and Validation
- Model-Driven Development Methods and Tools
Run-Time Support for Composing Services in the FI
- Middleware (description, publication, discovery, access, etc.)
- Convergence and Integration of Centralized and/or Decentralized Approaches
- Support for Scalability, Mobility, Heterogeneity
Quality of FI Service Compositions
- Performance, Reliability and Availability Modeling and Evaluation
- Security (vulnerabilities, malwares, countermeasures, etc.)
- Trust and Privacy
- Sustainability
FI Crosscutting Concerns
- Pervasiveness
- Context- and Resource-awareness
- Semantic-awareness
- Seamlessness
- Adaptation
- Decentralized vs. Centralized Service Composition Approaches
Tools, Case studies, Use cases
- Smart grid, Smart house, Smart cities, Sustainable and Green systems
- FI Killer applications
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