[agents] CFP: IJCAI’15 Workshop on Behavioral, Economic and Computational Intelligence for Security (BECIS)

Bo An boan at ntu.edu.sg
Sat Mar 14 11:18:04 EDT 2015


                                    CALL FOR PAPERS

                                    IJCAI’15 Workshop on

Behavioral, Economic and Computational Intelligence for Security (BECIS)

                       July 25-27, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Workshop Website


* http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/boan/events/ijcai15security/



There is a large and growing interest in applying models and
techniques at the intersection of artificial intelligence, game
theory, operations research, machine learning, social science and
psychology to solve problems related to security, which is one of the
grand challenges for engineering in the 21st century. In fact, the
last five years have seen systems developed and applied to real-world
domains including but not limited to randomized patrol planning for
the Los Angeles International Airport police, Federal Air Marshal
    Service, US Coast Guard and Los Angeles Metro System.

While there has been significant progress, there still exist many
major challenges facing the design of effective approaches to deal
with the difficulties in adversarial domains including physical
security and cyber security. These challenges include designing
efficient algorithms for adversarial reasoning, improving the
robustness of solutions, creating better models of human decisions
under bounded rationality, and learning from available data to improve
solution quality and adaptation to new conditions. Addressing these
challenges requires collaboration from different communities including
artificial intelligence, game theory, operations research, social
science, and psychology. This workshop is structured to encourage a
lively exchange of ideas between members from these communities as
well as researchers from industry and the public sector.

Important dates


* April 27, 2015 - Submission of contributions to workshops

* May 20, 2015 - Workshop paper acceptance notification

* May 30, 2015 - Submission of camera-ready version

* July 25-27, 2015 - Workshop takes place in conjunction with IJCAI 2015



Topics include but are not limited to:

* Security games

* Security applications of AI methods

* Network security and cyber warfare

* Game theory foundations

* Algorithms for scaling to very large games

* Behavioral game theory

* Protection against environmental crime

* Agent/human interaction for preference elicitation and optimization

* Risk analysis and modelling

* Machine learning for security

* Economic analysis of security

* Evaluation/lessons learned of deployed systems



Authors are invited to submit papers (maximum 7 pages), describing
their work on one or more of the topics relevant to the workshop.
Alternatively, participants may submit a shorter paper (maximum 3
pages) presenting a research statement or perspective on topics
relevant to the workshop. Accepted papers will be presented during the
workshop and will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Authors are requested to prepare their papers by following the IJCAI
2015 submission formatting guidelines at:

Papers should be submitted in PDF using the EasyChair conference
system available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=becis2015.
We welcome the submission of papers rejected from the IJCAI 2015
technical program. Submissions will be refereed on the basis of
technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. Each submission
will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two program committee members.

For questions about the submission process, please contact the
workshop co-chairs.

Reviewing process


Papers will be reviewed by at least 2 program committee members.
Criteria for selection of papers will include: technical quality,
novelty, significance, and clarity.

Organizing comittee


*         Bo An (Primary contact)
Nanyang Technological University, boan at ntu.edu.sg

*         Christopher Kiekintveld
University of Texas at El Paso, cdkiekintveld at utep.edu

*         Milind Tambe
University of Southern California, tambe at usc.edu

*         Pradeep Varakantham
Singapore Management University, pradeepv at smu.edu.sg

Invited Speakers  (Tentatively confirmed)


Ariel Procaccia (Carnegie Mellon University)

Programme Committee (Tentative List)


·         Branislav Bosansky (Aarhus University)

·         Matthew Brown (University of Southern California)

·         Fei Fang (University of Southern California)

·         Jiarui Gan (ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

·         Nika Haghtalab (Carnegie Mellon University)

·         Viliam Lisy (Czech Technical University in Prague)

·         Thanh Nguyen (University of Southern California)

·         Fernando Ordonez (University of Chile)

·         Ariel Procaccia (Carnegie Mellon University)

·         Zinovi Rabinovich (Mobileye)

·         Nicole Sintov (University of Southern California)

·         Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Vanderbilt University)

·         Haifeng Xu (University of Southern California)

·         Rong Yang (Xerox PARC)

·         Yue Yin (ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


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