[agents] Call for Papers:: ITMC2015 Tunisia

Hazel Ann hazel.sdiwc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 06:40:41 EDT 2015

The submission is open until April 26, 2015. Please consider submitting
your papers to ITMC2015.

Abstracts only will not be accepted.

The International Technology Management Conference (ITMC2015)

Manouba University

May 26-28, 2015 » Hammamet, Tunisia

Venue: El Mouradi Hotel


General Chairs

Dr. Hatem Haddad, Manouba University, Tunisia
Dr. Mohammad S. Salman, Mevlana University, Turkey

Important Dates

Submission Deadline Open from now until April 26, 2015
Notification of acceptance 4 weeks from the submission date
Camera Ready submission May 16, 2015
Last day of registration May 16, 2015, however, it is recommended to do it
few days before
Conference dates May 26-28, 2015

The conference proceedings will be published in the digital library of

You are invited to participate in ITMC2015 that will be held in Tunisia, on
May 26-28, 2015. The event will be held over three days, with presentations
delivered by researchers from the international community, including
presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.

The conference welcome papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:

Information and Data Management
Information Content Security
The Management of IT Investments
Computational Intelligence
Data Management in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
Information Management
Enterprise Architecture Management
The Management of “Green” IT
Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications
Web Services Security
Information Ethics
Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
Information Security and Cryptography
Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks

Biometrics Technologies
Computer Forensics
Computer Security
Data Mining
Distributed and Parallel Applications
Wireless Communications
Cloud Computing
Access Control
Network Security
Digital Signal and Image Processing
Multimedia Computing
Computer Animation
Computer Architecture
Artificial Intelligence
Information Retrieval
Natural Language Processing

Educational Technology
Computer-aided Systems
Mobile Computing
Education In Computational Science
Mobile Learning Business Intelligence and Web Services
E-commerce Business Models
Future Development of E-Business
E- Learning E-Government
Debugging Tools and Learning
E-Business Applications and Software

Design and Manufacturing
Intelligent Processing of Materials
Human-Machine Interface Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and
Modeling and Design
Design and Green Manufacturing
Networks Design, Protocols and Management

Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging
Robotics and Atomization Engineering
Globalization of Engineering
Applications of AI Techniques in Design and Manufacturing
Industrial Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing
Robotics and Mobile Machines
Computer Architecture for Intelligent Machines

All registered papers will be published in the following special issue
journals provided that the author do major improvements and extension
within the time frame that will be set by the conference and his/her paper
is approved by the chief editor:

International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF)
International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the
Digital Media (IJEETDM)

*Sincerely yours,*
*Hazel Ann*
*www.sdiwc.net <http://www.sdiwc.net>*

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